𝟰𝟯. matching

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ooo.┊ # MATCHING ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🤍 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

ANASTASIA WOKE UP TO ARMS wrapped tightly around her waist. The sun was shining into her eyes, so she turned and buried her head into Edmund's chest. The movement caused the boy to stir.

"What time is it?" "Morning." Anastasia laid her body on his as an attempt to keep him in bed. "You know you're not that heavy." He said. "And you're ticklish." His hands dug into the space in the middle of her waist and hips which cause her to jolt and start laughing.

"Okay stop! Please!" Edmund chuckled before carefully tossing her off of him and getting up. "That wasn't fair!" She pouted. "You can't hold that against me if I don't have anything to hold against you." "Oh trust me, sweetheart. You have more of a hold on me than you think." He retorted putting his shirt back on.

Anastasia got up and delicately wrapped her arms around his waist. Her hands lightly rubbed his chest as she leaned up and placed little kisses on his neck. Edmund closed his eyes and gripped her hands.

Anastasia started sucking and left a small mark just under his ear. The boy turned around, lifted her up, then placed her on the dresser. He stood between her legs while kissing her neck.

Out of nowhere, he blew a raspberry into her neck which caused them to start laughing. "That was gross. Don't ever do that again." The two chuckled when they heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" A maid opened the door with things in her hands. "Prince Caspian has requested you all to join him at breakfast before the day starts. He also had me bring these clothing pieces to you both." "Oh! Thank you so much!" "No problem, your Majesties." The maid quickly walked out after placing the clothes down on a chair by the door.

"Look! We're matching!" Edmund was given brown clothing pieces and Anastasia had a brown dress with white and gold stitching. Anastasia grabbed her dress and hurried off into the restroom.

After she put it on, she used heat to curl her hair and place a brown and gold headband in it. She quickly walked out and saw Edmund changed. "You look absolutely beautiful, Annie." "Thank you. You look handsome as well."

The two left the room and made their way to the dining room. Edmund stuck out his arm once they reached a staircase and she grabbed onto it. After carefully making their way down, the two kept walking with their arms still locked together.

"Ana!" Lucy exclaimed once they walked in. The girl pulled her away from Edmund and went to get fruits. When the girls came back Anastasia went to sit next to Edmund, but Lucy kept tugging her towards her own chair. "Edmund's had you all day. It's my turn now!" "Alright."

The two girls sat next to each other and ate while talking about their dresses. "I feel like my hair looks weird." "It looks perfect, Lu. It's very healthy as well."

The two kept talking until it was time to leave for the Coronation.

After the Coronation, Caspian, the Pevensie's and the Beauregard's were riding around through the town. The crowds were separated on either side and were cheering as the royals and the Narnians walked through.

Anastasia ended up sharing a horse with Edmund, as she didn't want to crowd up the walk way. Edmund sat in front of her and she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

She would let go and wave every now and then, and giggle every time she saw something funny. Edmund looked back at her when she giggled again. A smile bloomed on his face seeing her so happy.

She noticed his gaze and gave him a kiss on his cheek before placing her head on his shoulder.

ˏˋ🏹°⁺ ⁀➷ GABS SPEAKS!
y'all im at such a crossroads for this book.
i'll give you the tea.
a) she can't come back to narnia because she's turning 17 in a couple of weeks while susan has been 17 for a couple of months now.
or b) she goes to voyage of the dawn treader and has to deal
with the mist.
idk, idk. y'all will find out soon ig.

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