𝟭𝟴. decisions

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ooo.┊ # DECISIONS ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🗡 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

"JADIS, THE QUEEN OF NARNIA!" Ginarrbrik yelled as everyone opened a path for her. "Empress of the Lone Islands." While he was saying this people kept yelling insults like "Go away, Witch!" and so on. This amused Alastair so he started saying "Boo!" and soon everyone else joined him.

When they set her down she got up and started walking towards Aslan while looking at Edmund.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." She said tauntingly. The crowd went up in hushed whispers as Edmund looked scared and ashamed. Anastasia grabbed his arm and squeezed it lightly. The action made him look over at her, unsurely, until she turned and gave him a small smile.

"His offense was not against you." Aslan calmly replied. "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" Questioned the Witch. "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch." Aslan growled. "I was there when it was written." "Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me," She said satisfied. "His blood is my property." the Witch continued.

The sound of an arrow and swords being drawn sounded as everyone looked at Peter, Anastasia and Alastair as they all had their weapons pointed at the Witch. "Try and take him then!" Peter stated taking a step towards the Witch. The Minotaur slightly growled before silencing. "Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right...little King?" She taunted Peter.

"Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned! and perish in fire and water." She proclaimed as she turned towards the crowd, then suddenly turned towards Edmund. "That boy will die on the Stone Table, as is tradition."

Anastasia took a step towards the witch with her bow still raised towards the Witch. The woman raised her eyebrows mockingly towards the girl. "And what exactly are you going to do?" "Aw, am I not good enough for you? You're hurting my feelings." Anastasia responded pouting until she shot the arrow a few inches from her head, which went off with a small explosion.

"Enough." Aslan cut in. "I shall talk with you alone." The Witch and Aslan then headed into his tent. From then on was just playing the waiting game.

Everyone's attention was immediately brought back to the front as Jadis walked out of Aslan's tent stopping and staring at Edmund, which made the boy nervous until Anastasia gripped his wrist.

"She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood." Aslan stated a few seconds later. Everyone started congratulating Edmund and patting his back. The boys turned to Anastasia who gave him an awkward smile and patted his shoulder. 'it's progress' He thought.

"How do I know your promise will be kept?" The Witch's annoying voice spoke up. Aslan then roared towards her, which caused her to sit on her 'throne' in shock as her minions walked her out of the camp.

Anastasia and Alastair were celebrating before they caught Aslan's eye. The lion nodded his head in a direction meaning for them to follow. "As you heard, the Witch renounced her claim on Edmund's blood, but in return I gave her mine." Alastair quickly spoke up. "Wait...so that means you're sacrificing yourself for Edmund?" "Why?" Anastasia asked, not in a bad way, she just wanted to know.

"Edmund is young, easily manipulated, especially when all he wants to be heard and stop being over looked by the people around him." Aslan explained. Alastair thought he could relate considering that's how he felt when he was Edmund's age.

"So then what does that mean for you?" The blue eyed girl asked. "I will die at the Stone Table for Edmund. But when innocent blood is shed on the table it cracks in half and death itself will turn."

"So you're gonna die but come back to life?" Alastair asked catching on. "Yes, which is why I'm informing you. While I'm gone I know you all will go into war. It's up to you two, Peter, and Oreius to take charge." "Are you sure? I don't think we're ready yet." Alastair softly told the lion. "It's for that reason I know you are."

Anastasia was sat in the same meadow from when her and Alastair spoke. This time she was just walking, hoping to be relaxed for the war that was going to happen in a couple hours.

Edmund had been walking around until he saw the brown haired beauty in a meadow. He wondered what was going on in her mind as she was clearly frustrated and nervous about something considered she was trying a bunch of flowers together.

Edmund walked up and sat next to her not even looking at the view, just looking at her. She suddenly let out a huff and Edmund was scared she would get mad, but she just kept fiddling with things around her.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "What if something goes wrong and we- I can't protect anyone. What if I do something wrong and someone gets hurt because of me. What if I can't do the right thing." Anastasia blurted out. She's had these thoughts for a while especially since now she's trying to be a hero, but she doesn't know if she can ever be that. All she'll be is a freak.

Edmund widened his eyes before placing his hand over her mouth. "You're my friend, but please shut up." The girl snapped her mouth closed but kept looking him dead in the eyes. "Everything's going to be alright, Ana. We're going to make it through this and we'll win. The Narnians have hope, so we should to." "But why do they have hope?" "We brought them hope. They'll know that at least they have a chance at fighting. All they care about is that you try."

"Right. Right. Try." Anastasia mumbled to herself. Edmund wondered what made her be so scared of herself and insecure about being able to protect others. Anastasia picked up a rock and did the same thing she did all those years ago, except this time it was different.

Edmund watched her close her palm over the rock before opening it and a small flower came out of her hand. He was shocked to say the least, but this interested him. Anastasia hesitantly looked up at him and saw, just like last time, that his eyes were widened.

The boy looked up and saw the insecurity and and fear in her eyes. 'This must be it' he thought. 'This must be why she's so closed off.' "How?" "I don't know. I was just born like this." "It's amazing." "Really?" She asked in disbelief. "You don't think I'm a freak?"

Edmund's eyes had shown so much caring as he said. "You're anything but a freak, Ana. This is amazing." Anastasia's eyes had unshed tears before she blinked them away.

The two laid back in the grass and she gripped his hand as the two stared at the constellations for the rest of the night.

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