𝟱𝟴. serpent battle

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ooo.┊ # SERPENT BATTLE ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🦋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒-𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

        "SO WHAT DO YOU THINK is in there?" Tavros asked as they made their way to Dark Island. "Our worst nightmares." "Our darkest wishes." "Pure evil." Edmund, Caspian, and Drinian replied. "How lovely." Anastasia commented.

        "Tavros, unlock the armory." Drinian left the steering wheel. "My Lord." "Archers, prepare yourselves!" "Mind the lanterns!"

        "Let's get ready." Caspian told Edmund. The two walked away towards Caspian's office. Lucy followed as well. Anastasia stayed on the deck having been ready.

        She sat down and closed her eyes trying to calm her thoughts and kind before getting in there.

        "No matter what happens here, every soul who stands before has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader. Together we have traveled far, together we have faced adversity, together we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall to fears temptations, be strong, never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of the lost souls we're here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

        After Caspian finished his speech the crew cheered. "For Narnia!" Caspian looked to the back and saw Edmund giving him a proud look. Anastasia placed her hand on his shoulder. "Well said. That was good." "Just 'good'?" "Well certainly a lot better than me and Peter."

        Caspian turned to look at her. "We didn't even have a speech. Just hoped for the best." She chuckled, remembering all the times the two lead the Narnians into battle.

        The ship headed into the Island and the mist started surrounding them. Some crew members were affected and some weren't. Anastasia was standing around and trying not to think about anything.

        "You killed me." Anastasia didn't even look, she already knew what it was. "No. I didn't." "Yes. It was all you. You're a monster." "No. I'm not." "Freak!" The mist kept chanting it at her and she covered her ears.

        "Stop!" "Ana!" She looked up and saw Caspian there. "Are you alright?" "Y-Yes. Yes. I'm alright." He gave her a concerned look but they both got distracted when they heard a sound over the boat.

        "Keep away!" The crew all looked over the side, but it was too dark to see anything. "Keep away!" "Who's there?" Edmund asked. "We do not fear you!" Caspian yelled. "Nor I, you!"

        Anastasia shot an arrow that was on fire and watched it land where the noise was. It lit up the area and they could see the outline of a man. Edmund grabbed his torch and shone it over.

        "Keep away!" "We will not leave." "You will not defeat me!" "Trust me, it won't be that hard." Anastasia spoke up. "Caspian. Caspian, his sword!" Edmund shone the light on the sword.

        "Lord Rhoop!" "You do not own me!" "Stand down!" The archers put their crossbows down. "Let's get him on board. Quickly!"

        They went to throw something over when Eustace flew down, picked him up, and threw him on the ship. "Off me, demons!" The Lord yelled when they went to help him up. "No, my Lord. We are not here to hurt you. I am your King. Caspian."

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