𝟱𝟮. the storm

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ooo.┊ # THE STORM ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🦋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒-𝗍𝗐𝗈

        "LET. ME. SEE." Edmund sternly told Anastasia later that day. After they had made it back to the ship, Caspian set out to try and find the blue star while Anastasia went to her room. Edmund followed her and unknowingly tugged her bad wrist. When she hissed in pain he immediately demanded that she tell him what happened.

        "It's not a big deal." Anastasia told Edmund and kept looking away from her spot at the windowsill. He scoffed and paced around in her room to calm down before turning to her. "Anastasia. I won't ask again. Let me see."

        She rolled her eyes in annoyance but lifted up her left arm and let him come to her. He walked over and carefully grabbed her arm while taking a seat in front of her. "How did this happen?" He asked a couple of minutes later.

        "When the dufflepud's took me and Lucy. I was still sleepy so when they dropped us I landed on my hand." Edmund frowned and carefully ran his fingers over it. "Why isn't it healing?" "I don't know." "What do you mean you don't know, Ana?" "I mean I don't know."

        Anastasia snapped at him before sighing and continuing to look out the window. "What's wrong?" Edmund quietly asked and scooted closer. "I just saw something back there." She told him and kept looking out the window. "Saw what?"

        "It was just a mirror." Anastasia took a glance at him and he urged her to keep going. "When I looked in it, it changed to a meadow and I saw us only a couple of years older. We were happy. At peace. No guilt or anything else. Just happy. We were going to start a family of our own too."

        "Did you not like it?" "Of course I liked it, Ed. It's just been on my mind. The way we were so happy. Why can't I feel like that now?" Edmund sighed and thought of what to say.

        "Maybe there's something we both have to rid ourselves of before feeling like that. The ongoing conflict inside of us needs to die down before that happens." Anastasia slowly nodded - now realizing she would get nowhere if she just kept overthinking it.

        She cleared her mind as best as she could before slowly healing her wrist and the bruises. To test it out, she moved her wrist in circles before letting her arm fall again.

        "I love you." Edmund looked towards Anastasia when she quietly told him that. "I really do. Sometimes it scares me how much I do. I know I don't say it a lot, but I hope you know."

        "Of course I do. I love you just as much." He told her. "Maybe I can give you that baby right now." He attempted to joke. It worked as Anastasia started laughing and shaking her head.

        "Not yet." She told him before getting up. The boy followed her actions and laid down in the bed once she did. Their noses brushed against each other's as they looked into the other's eyes.

        Anastasia slowly smiled before moving her head to his chest and falling asleep.

        A couple of days after leaving Coriakin's, a huge seastorm hit. At least that's what the crew thought. Really, Anastasia was the first to be affected by the mist.

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