𝟯𝟴. more alike

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ooo.┊ # MORE ALIKE ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 💋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍

        THE NEXT MORNING, Anastasia had walked to the ledge of the Howe, waiting and watching. She had told Peter the night before that they were planning on invading within 1-2 days. They agreed to have her keep watch just in case they were lying to try and scare her.

        Well, she walked as best she could, but her legs were sore after last night. Which every time she thought back to it she got a blush on her cheeks. She also had to use her powers to hide and heal the marks Edmund left - the boy having a shit eating grin on his face when he saw her covering them up.

        Someone was walking up but stopped upon seeing her. "You can come out here, Caspian." The Prince sheepishly walked up and stood next to her. "I know we haven't spoken to each other much, but I really am sorry you got left behind."

        "It's alright." She smiled. "It was all apart of my plan." "Do you normally just come up with plans without telling anyone?" "..Yes. You get used to it after a while." Caspian chuckled at her explanation.

        "Did you find out what you wanted form your Professor?" "Yes. He told me I had the potential to be the telmarine that saved Narnia. But how could I do that, especially without my father."

        Why did that sound familiar? Ah. Right. When she first came to Narnia.

'You really shouldn't put me as someone who these people look up to. I couldn't save my friend and I have powers.'

        "You know you remind me of someone." "Who?" "Me." Caspian looked at the girl confused. "I used to think i couldn't save anyone. That I didn't have the potential to. That I wasn't good enough. But sometimes we have to use those experiences to make us better, especially in your case where you feel alone."

        Caspian regarded the girls words. "You should also know you're not alone. You have us to help you. You've found a family in the Narnians." He looked at the girl with tears in his eyes until they heard a lot of noises. The two made a face at what they saw.

        "Looks like I was right." The majority of the telmarine army had started marching through and beginning to set up camp. Slowly, the rest of the group filed out until they all stood watching. "I told you." "I get it." Peter tiredly mumbled.

        A white horse began coming through the crowd and they all new it was Miraz. Anastasia notched an arrow and went to shoot. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Artemis." The group snapped their heads over and saw Alastair holding her arms down.

        "Can I just make a Phoenix? I haven't done that in a while." The group hesitantly nodded. She aimed up and shot straight into the sky.

        Miraz glared at the fiery bird in the sky, knowing the girl was using this to taunt them.

        "Cakes and Kettledrums. That's your next big plan?" Trumpkin asked Anastasia. "Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!" Looking around Anastasia nodded, "Uh yeah, that's what I said."

        Lucy had came up to her and told her she wanted to look for Aslan. Anastasia knew he was out there somewhere, waiting for them, so she told her to take Susan and they could head out.

        "She won't be alone." Susan spoke up. "Haven't enough of us died already?" Trumpkin asked Lucy. "Nikabrik was my friend too." Trufflehunter spoke up.

        "But he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't. And neither have I" He walked up from his place in front of Edmund. Said boy caught Anastasia's eye and winked, smirking as she blushed and looked away.

        "For Aslan." Reepicheep spoke up. "For Aslan!" a bear repeated. "That is what I call progress everyone." Anastasia pointed to the bear. "Then I'm going with you." Trumpkin told Lucy. "Aww" Alastair whispered. "No. We need you here." Lucy told him. "We have to hold them off until they get back." Anastasia stated, deep in thought.

        "If I may..." Caspian spoke up. "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer...But as King, he is subject to the traditions...And expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time."

        After him not saying anything for a couple seconds Anastasia spoke up. "Get on with it, Goldilocks." Rolling his eyes he suggested they challenge him to a duel, as he was too prideful and brave for his own good.

        "Perfect!" "It is?" " Yes. It's an advantage. This the rematch I've been waiting for." Anastasia said starting to write a declaration. "Wait..so you're going to do it?" Alastair asked. "Yes." "No." Edmund immediately spoke after her. The girl gave him a small scowl that he returned with a stern look.

        "I'll do it." Peter spoke up before the two could start arguing. "I want to make things right." Anastasia looked him up and down before nodding. "Alright, well let's get this declaration written. Because if I won't be part of it, I'll certainly be the one delivering it."

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