𝟮𝟭. blossomed feelings

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-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒-𝗈𝗇𝖾

IT'S BEEN A YEAR AND A HALF since the group came to Narnia. They adjusted pretty quickly to being considered royalty and living in Narnia. Well, most of them did.

Anastasia had a hard time getting used to all the new changes, but Alastair and Edmund were there to help her. She was at least used to being the High Queen by now, and her emotions were still a work in progress. But she's learned how to fake it sometimes.

Right now she was sitting at a little table in one of the gardens. She poured herself some tea and enjoyed the peace and quiet. "Ana!" She heard being yelled. The girl simply sat in her seat knowing the person looking for her was close enough.

"There you are!" Edmund exclaimed. He along with Susan and Peter went to visit one of the nearby kingdoms. It was one of the hardest weeks of his life he would say. The only reasoning behind that would be the fact that he wasn't with Anastasia.

Over the year the two got close as Edmund would help her with her emotions just like she would help him with his. They also realized they had some things in common, but they also had differences.

For example, Anastasia could read or draw for a while and be content while Edmund always had to be doing something even if it was just talking. Anastasia did have her moments where she was like Edmund, but it wasn't that often and it was normally when it was just the group.

Another thing that had happened was Anastasia slowly gaining feelings for Edmund. She knew what she was feeling wasn't what normal friends felt. But then again they weren't normal friends. Normal friends weren't in a land with talking animals or had powers. And normal friends certainly didn't share kisses.

The first time that had happened was when Anastasia was freaking out about something. Her breathing was was fast and Edmund didn't know what to do. He ended up leaning over and crashing his lips on hers.

After a couple of seconds he pulled away and Anastasia's breathing was normal. He expected her to push him away but she just smiled at him. Their friendship went on as normal except this time they were more intimate with each other.

The second time they kissed, Edmund had been upset at Peter for something she couldn't even remember. The more he kept explaining the more upset he would get. Anastasia had leaned over and kissed him so he could shut up. The boy immediately kissed her back.

The last one was recent as Anastasia had met Edmund just before he left and pecked his lips before running off. That kiss had been on Edmund's mind the whole time they were at the Kingdom, so he was excited to be with her again.

"What?" Anastasia demanded, still drinking tea. "That's not how you greet a friend." "Okay? But what do you want?" "Peter wanted me to tell you that we're hosting a ball with the kingdom we visited in two days."

Anastasia immediately got up and started whining. "Why? I don't wanna dance. And I don't want to dress up. The corset hurts my tummy." She pouted holding out her arms. Edmund softly laughed before hugging her. "I know. I don't like it either. But at least we'll have fun and we can make more friends and allies." "Hm."

Edmund pouted teasingly before bringing his face down to hers. She turned her head away pretending to be upset. Edmund started nudging his head with hers before she sighed and turned back.

"Fine. I guess I'll deal with it. Well, now I have to go get fitted for another dress now." "Why don't you just wear an old one?" "Ew. No."

After a long day of getting fitted, Anastasia sat in her bathroom taking a bath. Obviously. She leaned her head on the side of the tub and relaxed. She had also lit candles around the bathroom and had a self care night.

After 15 minutes she decided to get out, so she wouldn't prune. After drying herself off and putting on the lace undergarment she had, she put on a silk bathrobe and walked out into her bedroom.

She sat at her vanity staring at herself in the mirror. 'my eye bags are pretty bag. i have small acne too. and my face is getting a little chubbier.' It was safe to say she still had insecurities. Just like anyone else.

She heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" Lucy opened the door and walked towards her. "What's up, buttercup?" "I just wanted to visit you. And I also wanted to ask if you could help me get ready for the ball." "Of course, Lu. Here."

Anastasia brought Lucy towards her and started taking a good look at her face. "Well you won't really need much. Maybe a little color in your cheeks and eyebrows. And lipgloss." "Are you sure? I feel like I don't look as good as you or Susan do." "Of course you look good, Lucy. Besides, you're still young. Which means you're still growing into your body. Soon enough you'll see what you want to see."

Lucy gave Anastasia a hug before leaving the girl alone again. Anastasia sighed before finally putting on her clothes and going to bed.

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