𝟭. the bombing

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ooo.┊ # THE BOMBING ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾

        ANASTASIA HAD BEEN SITTING in the living room attempting to finish her homework. She found it hard as her loud older brother, Alastair, was bothering her about how little she was and just about anything he could to get her annoyed.

        "I'm going to throw this candle at you if you don't shut your mouth!" she exclaimed. "You can't do anything." Alastair threw back laughing at her. She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna tell dad you broke something." "That's a lie!" "So?"

        Alastair watched his sister get up stand up. "Mom, is dinner almost ready?" "Almost! And don't go yelling around! That's not ladylike." he could faintly hear his mother, Belladonna, respond.

        Anastasia rolled her eyes at what her mom said before putting her stuff away. It was no secret in the family that Anastasia and Belladonna always butted heads on everything.

        "So, I saw you talking with Edmund earlier" He wiggled his eyebrows, his hazel eyes glinting with mischief "Seems like you've got an admirer, Ana." Said girl rolled her eyes for the million time in five minutes. "We were just talking. Spend your time watching kids now? People might get the wrong idea." "Oh shut up."

        "Alright kids that's enough um...whatever it is that you're doing." Their father, Atlas, stated walking into the room. "Now lets get to dinner before your mother drags us across the house."

        The siblings quickly made their way to the kitchen with Alastair putting his hand on his sisters forehead and shoving her back. "Out of the way, piglet!"

        Later that night, Anastasia found herself having trouble falling asleep, so she lay with her head on the edge of the bed just looking at her walls. Thinking of what she wanted to fill them up with so they weren't so bare.

        Then she heard it. The alarms going off that meant the bombings were happening. She sprung up from her bed, grabbed a jacket, shoes, and quickly went outside her room where she saw her brother across the hall still in a groggy state. She ran over to him and slapped him. "Get up! the alarms are going off! We have to go!"

        She ran to the living room where their parents were. "Where's Alastair?" Belladonna asked once she saw her. "I woke him up and told him to hurry!" "Anastasia you shouldn't have left him he could get hurt!" "How hurt could he get? He's a mutant!" The boy turned the corner. "Oh thank god!"

        As they ran they could feel the ground shaking from the bombs which caused them to loose their balance. Once they got inside, Atlas closed the door and turned on the small light they had in there.

        Anastasia started flinching every time she heard a thud outside, automatically thinking the worst.

        "We had a plan with Miss Pevensie if something like this were to happen." Belladonna started. Catching on, their father nodded. "Yes. We agreed that you two along with the Pevensie's would be sent away to a Professors house, as he lives further away in a safe area. At least until we know there won't be more bombings."

        "And you two?" Anastasia asked. "We'll stay with Miss Pevensie so we can make sure all of us are safe and nothing will happen." "We can't just leave you guys here." Alastair spoke up, not wanting to leave his parents.

        "You are and you will." Their mother said crouching down in front of them. "You two are the most import things we have in our lives, we can't lose that. Besides you two are mutants so if it comes down to it, protect not only everyone."

        "Okay." Ana replied nodding slightly. She didn't exactly feel like arguing again. Especially after her mom giving her a small amount of affection instead of criticism.

        "Good now off to bed, you have a busy day tomorrow." Using her powers, Anastasia made a small flame with her fingers before letting it float in the middle of the room as a source of heat.

        The siblings then went to bed wondering how the next day will go and how long they'd have to stay away from their parents.

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