𝟯𝟱. escape

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ooo.┊ # ESCAPE ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🤍 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾

AS THE NARNIAN ARMY GOT BACK to the base, Peter and Caspian were yelling about whose fault it was. "Stop it!" Edmund yelled helping someone lower Trumpkin.

Lucy gasped and ran forward. She placed a drop of fire-flower potion in his mouth and watched as he slowly woke up. "What are you all doing standing about? The telmarines will be here any minute."

The group chuckled before Lucy looked around. "Where's Ana?" That simple sentence got the entire Narnian army to get on their feet and look. "Oh no." Alastair mumbled once he realized she was left behind.

Edmund felt like his entire world was crashing down around him. "No." He shook his head. "Ed." Peter looked at him with a hint of sorrow and guilt in his eyes. "No! You lied! You lied to me! You said you'd keep her safe! Well she's not!" Edmund was in hysterics at this point.

'Pete?' Edmund asked before they left. 'What is it?' 'Can you promise me you'll help protect Anastasia.' 'Edmund you know she can protect all of us combined.' 'Yeah, I know.' He weakly chuckled. 'But if it makes you feel better. I promise nothing's going to happen to her while we're there. I'll do my best to make sure of it.' Edmund nodded before the two embraced.

Alastair made his way over and pulled Edmund into a hug. The boy clung onto him and sobbed his eyes out at the fact that she could be dead. The person he did everything for was gone.

Alastair cried his eyes out on how the last time he and Anastasia spoke were arguments between them. She could die and the last thing he would've technically told her was that she was selfish, something she was always insecure about.

The group around them bowed their heads as Edmund and Alastair's hearts broke.

"Come out and quit sending your men to relay your message you Wanker!" Anastasia yelled out once she woke up. After last night they had chained her up to a wall in the cells.

The guards did their 'job' of trying to spook her or scare her but she really just wanted them to go brush their teeth. I've been hanging around Edmund too much. Anastasia thought - having never used the word 'wanker' until recently when Edmund taught her how to use it.

"Well I'm glad our home is very exciting for you." Miraz walked into her line of sight. "I thought I smelled swamp." She raised an eyebrow.

"How does the great Phoenix feel to have finally been bested?" "I don't know. Hungry?" "Enough! With your sarcasm." "You said it not me." She mumbled.

Miraz let out an angered grunt before throwing a knife to her forearm. "Ow." Her voice was blank. "You're going to tell us everything you know about the Narnians, or you die."

The girl stayed silent as he threw another knife in her stomach this time. Just a little longer. She thought seeing the sun wasn't fully out yet. To her it seemed better to try and use her fire powers when the sun was out as it's just a big ball of fire - in her eyes at least.

"Fine. I guess we'll have to force it out of you." He gripped her face roughly before letting it go. "Go ahead. My body's a temple. Which is more than I can say about yours" "Enough!" He stuck his arm out slapped her across the face.

Glozell walked in with another guard and handed him a dagger. The two walked over and pushed Anastasia's head and arms further unto the wall as Miraz unsheathed the dagger.

"You'll know better here after." She raised her eyebrow before he started carving lines across her stomach. "Ah." She lout out pained grunts but kept quiet. Just a little more.

He then took the dagger and carved the word 'traitor' into her arm. Once he pulled away, he was surprised to see the girl not in pain but rather had a smile on her face.

She was bloody, had a new bruise coming on her face, and looked like she went through hell and back. She knew her body would slowly start to heal itself in time.

"What?" Miraz demanded once he told the guards to stand by. She didn't answer but kept watching them. One of the telmarines outside the cell was reaching for her bow and arrows. Just as the sun flooded into the room the telmarine got burned with the arrow.

He yelled out catching the attention of the four. "Sounds like the firebendings back on!" Anastasia smirked before kicking her leg up and fire went out knocking the men back.

The telmarine from outside tried to come in but she sent another kick using fire to push him away. She flipped up and used her telekinesis to help tear her binds out before she ran and grabbed her bow and arrows.

The girl kept running out of the cellar until she found the horses. She quickly got on top of one and used it to ride out of the Chambers. Just as she reached the courtyard more men came out in front of her. "Surrender!" Miraz yelled from above her.

How the hell is he so fast? She thought. "Don't worry. A real Queen yields with honor." She made a move to get down. Before the men could approach her she pointed her middle and pointer fingers to the side before bringing them up. They watched as lightning was produced and moved around her body before she shot it out towards the men in front of her.

She quickly got back onto the horse and rode out of the Kingdom back into the Narnian forrest. "Well. Looks like I could be lost. But that's fine."

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