𝟭𝟳. friends

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ooo.┊ # FRIENDS ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🏹 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 - 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

WHEN MORNING CAME, Anastasia got word that Edmund was finally back. She was happy he was back, even if what he said hurt her. She was willing to let it go. More like she was working on being able to let it go. Mainly because of the old habit she had to hold grudges.

She walked out of the tent she and Alastair were sharing before walking over to the Pevensie's tent. Once she got there, Peter walked out and looked to the side. She followed his eyes and saw Edmund standing with his head down talking to Aslan.

'he looks disgusting.' She thought, but knew it was because of the Witch. "Edmund!" Lucy yelled startling Anastasia. The little girl went to run forward but Peter held her back. Anastasia looked around and noticed Susan and Alastair had come up to them, as well.

Aslan and Edmund walked down. "What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what has passed." Aslan told them before walking away. Edmund looked up and stared at the group his eyes catching Anastasia's before the girl pursed her lips and looked away. 'is she still mad at me?' Edmund's heart broke at the thought before he spoke.

"Hello." Lucy smiled and gave him a tight hug. Edmund slowly melted into it before accepting Susan and even Alastair's hugs. The only ones to not hug him were Peter and Anastasia. Anastasia was still a little uncomfortable at hugs or showing affection so she avoided that for now. But she was taking baby steps.

Edmund looked over at the both of them before Anastasia caught his eye and gave him a small nod. It was the smallest gesture but it was just enough to get his racing heart to calm. "Are you alright?" Susan asked him. "I'm a little tired."

"Get some sleep." Peter spoke up nodding to the tent. Edmund gave a small frown before walking away. "And Edmund? Try not to wander off." The two brothers smiled at each other before he went to walk away again.

As everyone went to leave Edmund to his sleep he got Anastasia's attention and awkwardly motioned her over to the tent. She rose an eyebrow before walking over to him. She stood in front of him as he stuttered.

"I- um..I-I'm really sorry for what I said before. I shouldn't have been that rude for no reason, especially if it made you cry." "Well what you said was hurtful, obviously I'm going to cry. And how did you even know I cried?" "Um Alastair said you two got into an argument about it." "Hm. Figures."

So far, Anastasia was not doing so well in the emotions department. But she's not being as rude as she can be. Edmund looked down nervously, as though he was scared she would toss him back to the witch.

"I f-forgive y-you." She stuttered, not used to saying that phrase a lot. Edmund's head snapped up. "What?" "Please don't make me say it again. But..what you said really hurt my feelings, but it's not completely your fault because you didn't know. No one knows." She whispered the last part to herself.

"Friends?" She stuck out her pinky. Edmund was in small shock before interlocking his finger with hers. "Friends." Anastasia looked up at him and for the first time in what seemed like forever she gave him a happy smile.

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