𝟱𝟬. extra crewmate

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ooo.┊ # EXTRA CREWMATE ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ 🦋 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒

        THE NEXT TWO DAYS were spent with Edmund trying to clean his sword, Caspian mapping a path with Drinian before Anastasia would tell them what to do, Lucy would help around the ship, and Eustace just spent his time writing in that little diary he has.

        Anastasia was standing up on the top deck of the ship with Alastair's sword. She was swinging it around with her eyes closed and imagining Alastair was there to give her tips.

        All of a sudden there was a bunch of yelling and commotion down on the main deck. She walked over and saw Eustace running around, knocking people over like no one's business.

        She walked down and stood behind Drinian on the stairs. "Trying to run away! We're on a boat you know!" Reepicheep swung and landed in front of Eustace. "Look! Can't we just discuss this!" Reepicheep ignore Eustace and sliced his shirt.

        "That was for stealing." He struck his sword into the orange inside Eustace's shirt. "That was for lying." He smacked the orange in his face. "And that was for good measure!"

        Eustace swung the knife at Reepicheep, who jumped over it onto the other side. "We have ourselves a duel! Catch!" He swung the orange to Drinian.

        "Focus! Focus! Stop flapping your wings like a drunken pelican!" Reep yelled at Eustace after the boy swung his arms wildly. "Keep your blade up. Up! Up!" They kept fighting until Reep flipped to the other side. "Yoo-hoo! Over here!" Eustace stabbed his knife towards the mouse who jumped down.

        "Lung with your foot! Not your left! Your right! Come on! Be nimble! It's a dance, boy! A dance!" Reep ended up on the banister again. The two swung their weapons until the mouse fell over. Eustace ran and checked until Reepicheep used his tail to poke the boy's shoulder. "And that is that!" He pushed the boy down.

        Anastasia chuckled at the sight before she heard a girlish squeal. It wasn't Eustace's squeal, but it came from the basket. "Look!" Lucy stated when she walked over to it. A little girl came out from the basket. "Gael!" A man walked up. Anastasia figured this was the man from the Island and the girl was his daughter.

        She really couldn't listen and just had to come make our lives harder. Anastasia rolled her eyes at the two. Edmund caught her attention by snapping his fingers in the air. She looked over and he made a 'smile' motion. She sighed before grabbing Drinian's orange and walking over.

        The group went quiet as she stood there, staring Gael down. "It seems we have an extra crew member." Anastasia held out the orange and Gael hesitantly grabbed it. Anastasia walked away towards Edmund.

        "Good job." He told her putting the sword down and pulling her on his lap. "Please don't mention it." Anastasia sighed and leaned into him. "I won't." He wrapped his arms around her. She reached down and picked up the sword.

She had a knowing and calculating glint in her eyes. "What is it?" Edmund asked. "Just an idea." "I have a feeling you're not going to tell me because it's part of your plan." "You're absolutely right!" Edmund smiled and kissed her cheek.

        "Let's go hang out. You've been spending all your time with this sword. I'm starting to think you love it more than me." Anastasia told him and he playfully shook his head. "My love for you is never ending." She snorted at his theatrics before getting up.

        "If that's true you wouldn't mind spending time with me rather than trying to clean this." "What exactly are we going to do?" "Well, we could catch up on what we missed out on last time." Anastasia suggested and saw the confused expression on his face.

        "Missed out on?" He questioned and she shrugged. "Guess you'll have to find out." She quickly slipped away from him and towards her room - a small smirk appearing as she heard his fast footsteps.

        Sure enough, 5 minutes later Anastasia was sitting on Edmund's lap - hands gripping his hair as the two heavily made out in her room. A small groan left Edmund's mouth as she subconsciously rubbed their hips together.

        Anastasia pulled away while biting his lip and he smiled before quickly moving to her neck. She giggled and tilted her head to the side as he tightened his hold on her hips and sucked on her neck.

        A knock was sounded at the door and the two quickly pulled away. "Come in!" Anastasia called once they gathered themselves. Caspian opened the door and stood in the doorway. "We've found an Island that we think the Lords visited." The two got up and walked after him.

        "Looks uninhabited. But if the Lords followed the mist east they would've stopped here." Caspian stated. Anastasia hummed in agreement. "Let's go!" She turned and quickly walked off on her own plan of action.

        "She does that a lot?" Drinian asked. "You have no idea." The two boys responded. "It was worse with Alastair." Edmund added.

        Anastasia grabbed a couple of crew members and was ready to get them on the boats. "What are you doing?" She turned and saw Gael behind her. "Um. The Island." "Can I go with you?" "No." "Please?" Anastasia sighed and ignored her.

        "You can sit with me Gael." She heard and Lucy walked by and usher the girl with her. "I hate you." Anastasia muttered before she climbed on and let the boat drift for a while. She stood up then did the same thing as last time, but this time was a little harder due to the fact that there was more people.

        Once they made it to shore they set up a small camp and waited for Caspian and Edmund. Gael ended up walking over and sitting next to Anastasia while she was cutting pieces of wood for the fire. The girl slowly fell asleep while gripping onto her ankle. Anastasia stared down at her but decided to leave her be.

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