𝟱𝟯. the army

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ooo.┊ # THE ARMY ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ ✨ 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗒-𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾

        THE NEXT DAY, Anastasia woke up and noticed she was back in her room. She got out of bed and went to look in the mirror. Her eyes were extremely red and she just looked tired overall.

        She sighed and went to change. She was able to manipulate some of her clothing to form tight, but comfortable, pants and a fitted shirt. She opened the window to the room and stood there for a moment.

        The wind was calm and cooling. It felt peaceful despite the raging emotions inside of her. She took a step forward and let herself fall into the water. Luckily the ship was still at the moment and it was very early, so she wouldn't be left behind.

        She placed her hands in a diving position and went under. She opened her eyes and saw fish and many other animals. She swam around until she found a pod of dolphins. One of them swam around her and she smiled reaching out to pet it.

        The dolphin moved its body so her hand was on its fin. It started swimming dragging her with its pod. After about five minutes she reluctantly let go and swam back to the ship. Once she was under her window she used her powers to fly up and into the room.

        She closed the window and changed back into a dress. She grabbed a rag and tried to get rid of some water in her hair. The door quietly opened and Edmund walked in.

        He was glad to see she was looking a little better than how she did last night. "How are you feeling?" He delicately placed his hands on her waist. "Tired. But better than last night...Thank you for helping me out of that state. I'm sorry you had to see that. And that I almost tipped over the ship." "It's alright, love. The mist made you like that. You wouldn't have done it consciously and that's all that matters."

        Did it really? She nodded either way and placed her head on his chest. "Can you stay with me today? I understand if you don't want to-" "Of course I will. I'll just try to get some food for us." Anastasia nodded and he walked out.

        She went and sat on the bench in front of the window opening it again. She breathed in the sea aroma and and let a smile come onto her face. "You look a lot better." She looked and saw Caspian standing there.

        "Right. Thank you for trying to help me last night...and I'm sorry I almost destroyed your ship." "It's alright, Ana. You didn't do it on purpose. All that matters is that you're feeling better than last night."

        The girl nodded before he walked out to the deck. Edmund walked in a couple seconds later. "I got you strawberries and water." He told her with an accomplished smile. She chuckled and motioned him over.

        He went and pulled her onto his lap so her legs wrapped around his waist. He got one of the berries and held it out to her. She leaned over and bit into it. "Is it good? Or have they gone bad?" "They're good." Edmund nodded before he kept feeding her.

        Once she finished the strawberries, she leaned on his shoulder and breathed in the scent of his shirt. Edmund rubbed her back and traced shapes on it. "How's your time in America been?" He asked.

        A flash of Grace went into her memories before she blinked. "It's been good. My parent's have gotten good jobs and me and Alastair are mentoring under some of their bosses." "Really? What do you all work under?" "Technically, it's a military organization. We help them test things out, make more ammo, or just make better machines or something. They also have me and Alastair training should we ever be attacked."

        "You're working for the Army?" "..Basically." "I wish I could join the army. But I'm too young." Anastasia pulled away from him. "Oh no. I'm not so sure if you want to do that." "Of course I do. I'm a King. I've fought in more wars than they have!" "I know you have but still..it's not safe." "You think I can't do it? Just because you have powers-"

        "First of all, you don't want powers, trust me. Second of all, if you must know, this war is different. There's no swords and bows and arrows. It's machines and if you get distracted for even a second you're dead. And I can't..I can't lose you, Eddie." "Ana, you'll never lose me." "I know. I just-I worry. Things are so different. And like I told you. You get distracted for even a second and...everything you know is gone."

        Her voice got quieter as she continued and had a distant look in her eyes, which glowed a small orange. "This isn't all to do with me, is it? I know you don't want me to push you, but maybe you'll feel better telling someone about what you're so afraid of."

        Anastasia's breathing got shaky. "No. I-I don't." The windows started shaking and Edmund took her face in his hands. "It's okay. It's okay. If you don't want to say anything, if you're not ready. It's okay. You don't have to say anything now." The girl nodded and took deep breaths.

        "Just please promise you won't leave." Her words had a double meaning - but Edmund nodded either way. No matter how much he wanted to go out and fight, he would always put Anastasia's wishes over his.

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