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Riana's POV

We exit the tree and get out of reach of it. Harry and Sirius go to the side looking at the school. "How are you holding up?" Hermione asks me.

"Better, now that we're no longer in that tunnel" I tell her. "Once Peter is dealt with I'll have a few blood pops" I state. "Oh no" I say as the full moon appears from behind the clouds.

"Run, I'll handle this!" Sirius tells Harry. Before running to unchain Ron as Lupin transforms and Pettigrew escapes. I curse and switch to my vampire eyes trying to find the rat so that I can stun it. While Harry and Hermione handled together behind me.

"Stupefy" I say shooting a spell the rat's way. But he dodged it and vanished into the forest. I curse and turn to see Lupin had completed his transformation. He howled before advancing on the others. I have no idea where Sirius disappeared too. "Hey dog breath! Pick on someone your own size!" I hiss.

He looks at me growling. "Run" I tell the others as I point my wand at him. A black dog appears at my side growling at the werewolf. "Protect the others Black" I tell him and he looks at me. "Now" I say firmly. I maybe a teenager, but I'm part vampire. I can handle a werewolf, probably.

"There you are Potter!" someone sneers drawing the wolf's attention. I curse as it runs towards Snape and the others. Black rams into him and stands in front of the others growling at him.

"This way coward!" I shout and the wolf looks at me. I shot a spell it's way slashing it's cheek. Angering it. "Protect the others!" I shout before taking off towards the lake. I hear him following me along with another pair of paw prints.

I soon hear dogs fighting and one of them yelp in pain. I curse and skid to a stop. I turn around and race back the way I came. Only to see the werewolf heading for Harry. Suddenly a howl fills the air. The werewolf freezes looking conflicted. The howl sounds again from the forest and he runs into it. I sigh in relief and see Black staggering towards the lake with Harry following him.

I follow them and kneel beside Black with Harry. "Are you hurt?" I ask Harry and he shakes his head.

"You?" he asks.

"No injuries, I told you all to run and him to protect you" I state as I rip off my jacket. I use it to put pressure on Black's wounds. "We gotta get him to the hospital wing" I state. Harry nods his head in agreement and the air suddenly goes cold.

I look at the lake to see it freezing. Then look up to see a hundred dementors heading our way. "Expecto Patronum" Harry says and a silvery shield appears from his wand.

"It needs to be a happier memory" I tell him. "Expecto Patronum!" I say and my bat appears. It circles us. "Come on Harry, I can't fight them alone. There's to many" I tell him as I feel my strength fading.

"Expecto Patronum" he says and another silvery shield appears. My patronus starts to fade. I focus more on my happier memory trying to give it more energy. But the dementors are to close.

"Harry, I can't hold on much longer" I tell him.

"I'm trying" he tells me and looks thoughtful. He tries the spell again producing the same result as the last two times. I fall to my hands and knees. "Hang in there Riana, I nearly have it" he tells me.

"I'm sorry Harry" I say weakly and pass out.

Third Persons POV

"No, Riana!" Harry shouts as her patronus disappears. Two dementors attack Sirius and Riana before flying away. "Expecto Patronum!" he shouts and his shield deflects the first to before disappearing. A dementor then attacks him and he falls to his knees yelling in pain.

The dementors keep attacking the defenseless witch and wizards. Soon Sirius' soul appears, one more attack and he'd lose his soul. A bright light shines from across the lake. Harry raises his head to see a shining silver stag patronus. Being produced by a wizard, but he couldn't see clearly who it was.

The stag patronus gallops across the frozen lake. Harry blacks out. It lowered its head and charge at the swarming Dementors. Soon it was galloping around and around three unconscious bodies on the ground. The Dementors were falling back, scattering, retreating into the darkness. They were gone and Sirius' soul returned to his body. The Stag Patronus turned. It was cantering back toward it's castor on the opposite side of the lake. It stopped in front of them before disappearing.

Snape arrived on the scene and saw everyone unconscious. He bound Black. Then conjured a stretcher each for Riana and Harry. Placing them on them. Before taking all three of them to the castle. Where Black was imprisoned in a tower to await the dementor's kiss and the two students to the hospital wing.


Gif above of Moony howling and gif on the external link of the lake freezing.

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