New Years Vampire Ball

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Riana's POV

"Why must I wear this?" Maria whines tugging at the choker around her neck. She's wearing a beautiful off shoulder blue black dress. With matching choker. While I wear a red black strapless gown. Adrian will be wearing blue and black to match Maria.

"It shows everyone you are human" I tell her.

"Will there be others? What about male humans?" she asks me.

"Yes and their necks will also be covered" I state. "I think we're ready, just need the masks. Where is Adrian?" I mutter.

"Someone say my name?" Adrian asks as he enters the room. "Got the masks" he tells us handing them out.

"They're beautiful" Maria says smiling as she puts hers on.

"Of course" I say as I put mine on.

"The carriage is outside" Adrian tells us.

"Oh, are we flying?" Maria asks.

"Not exactly" Adrian tells her. We go outsides where a dark carriage awaits. Adrian opens the door. "Ladies first" he tells us. I smile and enter it. They soon join me.

"Now what?" Maria asks. I feel the shift. "What was that?" she exclaims. I smile and open the door exiting. They soon join me and we're at a mansion. "Whao, was it a sort of port key?" she asks.

"Yes" Adrian answers. We approach the door and are greeted by my uncle.

"Hello uncle Vlad" I say with a smile.

"Evening my dear niece" he says smiling. I notice a wizard beside him. "Aye yes, allow me to introduce you to my guest tonight. Eldred Worple, he is an author and doing a book on vampires. He has been living with me since you went to school" he tells me.

"So this is your part vampire niece?" Eldred asks intrigued. "Pleasure" he says kissing my hand.

"The pleasure is all mine" I tell him with a polite smile. "Allow me to introduce my friend and fellow part vampire Adrian Petrova" I say.

"An honour sir, I do hope you write only the truth" Adrian says.

"But of course dear boy" Eldred assures him. "And who is she?" he asks looking at Maria.

"My beloved Maria, this is her first vampire ball" Adrian says proudly.

"I'm very pleased and scared to be here" she mutters. Making my uncle laugh.

"Darling, we have more reason to fear your kind. Then you do ours" uncle Vlad tells her. "Now lets go in, shall we?" he asks offering me his arm. I link mine through it and Maria does the same with Adrian. We all enter the mansion.

"Presenting Lord Vlad Sanguini and his niece Lady Riana Sanguini. Sir Adrian and his beloved Maria Laurent. And honoured guest human Mr Eldred Worple" the announcer says.

"Riana darling, you grow more beautiful every time I see you. My anscestor would be jealous" Carmen Sanguina tells me.

"I told her the same thing at the Yule ball" Adrian tells her. "Maria, this is Carmen Sanguina. Descendant of Carmilla Sanguina" he tells her.

"An honour my lady" Maria says with a curtsy.

"Such nice manners, you must meet my beloved" Carmen states. "Johnson!" she calls and a human man in his thirties appears. He's wearing a scarf around his neck.

"You called" he says.

"We have a new human joining us tonight" she tells him.

"Excellent, are you turning also?" he asks Maria.

"No" she says.

"We haven't discussed it yet" Adrian says sheepishly.

"Just as well, it's very dangerous and not everyone survives to become a Dhampir" Uncle Vlad states.

"A what?" Eldred asks.

"A Dhampir, it's what we call part vampires" I tell him.

"Interesting" he says.

"Riana sweetie, there you are" Lillian Andrei says as she joins. She is our hostess tonight. "But where is your plus one?" she asks me confused.

"What?" I ask her.

"Well your uncle said you found your beloved. I sent you an invite with a plus one. Why isn't he here?" she asks.

"I did not tell her" Uncle Vlad answers. "They are not yet courting and only became friends this year. He may come next year" he states.

"Uncle, why would you tell everyone about him?" I ask embarrassed.

"Many have asked for your hand, it was the only way to stop them" he states shrugging.

"Well I do hope he comes next year" Lillian states. "Enjoy the ball"she tells us.

"I'm going to go introduce Eldred around, you three have fun" Vlad tells us before leaving. Carmen and her beloved left also. We spotted another group of part vampires with human spouses and joined them.

All in all, it was a fun night. Though I do wish Draco could of come. It was lonely sitting on the sidelines with my uncle. While the couples danced. Even more so when they kissed as the clock chimed in the new year and fireworks were set off.

After that uncle escorted us to our carriage and we took it back to Hogwarts. Then Adrian took Maria back to her schools carriage. While I head for Gryffindor tower. "Have a good time?" a voice drawls. I turn around surprised and see Draco. I relaxed.

"It was very fine" I tell him. "What are you doing out after hours?" I ask.

"Got bored and couldn't sleep. Thought a walk would help" he states. "You look beautiful, more so then the yule ball" he tells me.

"Thank you" I say. "Happy New Year" I tell him.

"Happy New Year" he says. "Can I walk you back?" he asks. I nod my head. "So who was at the ball?" he asks me curious.

"No one you'd know" I tell him.

"Really? But he sounds like a big event, wouldn't many rich wizards be present?" he asks me confused.

"I can't really talk about it Draco, I'm sorry" I tell him.

"You know I've been studying vampires" he tells me. I look at him surprised. "Since you guys mentioned it at the ball, I had been curious. So I've been doing research on them" he states. "Did you know there is such a thing as half vampires?" he asks me.

"Of course" I tell him. "Anyway here we are, I'll see you tomorrow" I state.

"Oh" he says disheartened. "Yeah, see you in the morning I guess. Happy New Year again and good night" he tells me. I kiss his cheek.

"Good night Draco and happy new year" I say. I then whisper the password and enter the common room. I went up to my dorm room and changed. Did my teeth, before calling it a night.


Pictures above of Riana's, Maria's and Adrian's outfits above. Picture on the external link of Riana's uncle.

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