Career Advice

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Riana's POV

It's been about a week since Dumbledore left abd Umbrdge took over. Harry is no longer having Occlumency. Hermione was not happy with the news and told Harry to go beg for Snape to continue their lessons. He told her to drop it.

Anyway, that day posters about career advice for 5th years. So that they can decide what subjects to continue next year. Pamphlets had also appeared talking about different jobs and what subjects are required. A list of meeting times had also appeared in Gryffindor tower. Mine was the first meeting on Monday, which meant I'd miss most of Potions. Hermione promised to take notes for me as long as I took notes for her during her meeting.  I agreed.

Today is Monday and the first day of the career advice meetings. I am the first Professor McGonagall is seeing. I'll be pretty easy to do as I already know my career path and what subjects I should continue next year. As a future wand maker, I will need to continue charms, herbology and Care of Magical creatures. I will also continue Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration. I need to get at least Exceeds Expectations on Herebology and Care of Magical Creatures. An outstanding in charms.

I'll also be be studying wandlore and wand making under my Grandfather's watchful eyes. He will set me home work and mark it. He'll even let me make my first wand once he believes I am ready. I'd have to get all the matriels myself though. So the wand wood and core. He'd then watch as I make the wand. I'm also helping him sell wands this summer.

I arrive at McGonagall's office and knock. She lets me in, I notice no Umbridge. "She has a class to teach, take a seat" she tells me. I sit down opposite her. "Any idea on your future career path?" she asks me.

"Wand maker, my grandfather has already started to teach me about wandlore and wand making " I explain.  She nods her head and pulls out a pamphlet from the pile.

"You need Charms, Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Along with wandlore and wand making " she states. "I take it your grandfather has already started your lessons in wandlore and wand making?" she asks.

"He has given me books on both, that I need to have read by Summer. Then he'll give me a test when I get home. I'll also be helping sell wands this summer " I explain.

"Very good, are there any other subjects you wish to continue next year?" she asks me.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration" I tell her.

"As long as you keep your grades up, I see no reason for you not to be able to continue all your chosen subjects " she states. "Can you have your grandfather keep me updated on your lessons in wandlore and wand making?" she asks.

"Of course" I tell her. "Anything else?" I ask. She takes out a parcel and hands it to me.

"Keep up your strength" she tells me as I smell the fresh blood. I thank her. "You are excused from potions, use this time wisely" she tells me. I nod my head and left. I return to my dorm and have one of the blood bags. Then hide the others in a secret compartment of my trunk.

Before leaving for my second class, Arithmancy. It was boring. It was then lunch time. I felt someone eyeing me. From the corner of my eye I notice Umbridge staring at me. Has she noticed that I look more a live then I did a week ago. Could she suspect me. I'll have to be more careful.

Harry told us about his meeting and how Umbridge had been there. How she had asked McGonagall about a package she had received late last night. McGonagall said it was sent to her by mistake and hed sent it to the rightful recipient. If Umbridge figures out who it was for, she may become more suspicious. Just want I needed, when exams are around the corner.

Fred and George's second prank happened later. The first had been their own brand of fireworks, they were amazing. This time they turned a school corridor into a swamp. But were caught. But they flew away on their brooms before they could be punished and never returned. But their legacy lived on through all their scaving snack boxes they had sold, Peeves causing as ,uch trouble as possible for Umbridge and someone kept putting nifflers in her office.

While it was all very amusing. I couldn't focus on that. I had exams to study for. Along with the books my grandfather wanted me to read. Hermione made sure Harry and Ron studied & brought up some of their grades. So they could continue the required subjects to become aurors next year.

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