Order of the Phoenix

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(July 15th 1995) Riana's POV

So a lot has happened in the last three weeks since Cedric's death. Let me tell what happened after the third task. Dumbledore went to Moody's office with Snape and McGonagall and saved Harry from an imposter. Apparently the guy we thought was Professor Moody. Wasn't him. But a death eater named Barty Crouch Jr in disguise thanks to polyjuice potion. The real Moody had been locked in his own trunk for ten months, so that Barty Jr had access to his hair.

Anyway the minister summoned a dementor to the school. And it gave Barty Jr the dementors kiss. The minister refused to believe that Voldemort is back. He gave Harry his winnings and left. Harry tried to give the winnings to Cedric's parents, but they refused to take it. They thanked him for returning Cedric's body to them and assured him they didn't blame him. Then left.

That night Dumbledore told the whole school about Voldemort's return and Cedric's murder. While Harry was in the hospital wing having a dreamless sleep thanks to a potion. Dumbledore reformed the Order of the Phoenix and sent Snape to spy on Voldemort for him. Everyone in the Order now knows Sirius is innocent. In fact his old family home is the order's HQ.

Bill took a desk job at Gringotts to be closer to home and help the Order. Percy got promoted to being the Minister of Magic's assistant. And had a fight with his parents. He moved out and now no one can mention his name. Without Mrs Weasley bursting into tears or Mr Wasley breaking whatever he is holding.

Hermione and I didn't end up going to Bulgaria to visit Viktor, Adrian and Maria. But we are moving into HQ with the Weasleys. We were forbidden to tell Harry anything about it in our letters. Speaking of Harry, he Daily Prophet is writing lies about him and Dumbledore. Saying they are mad and liars. Dumbledore stopped down as Chief of the Wizongamot. He said he didn't care what the Ministry did, as long as they didn't take him off of the Chocolate Frog cards.

Remus was sent to try and recruit the werewolves to our side. While Hagrid and Madame Maxine were sent to talk to the giants. Dumbledore came personally to speak to my uncle about where the vampires would stand. My uncle said they'd most likely stay natural like in the last two wars. But that he'd bring it up at the next vampire council meeting.

But my uncle did ask if Dumbledore could watch over me. For my grandfather's benefit. Dumbledore agreed to and said I could spend the summer at the Orders HQ. We didn't hear from him for two weeks. It's now the first day of the third week of the school holidays. When my uncle calls me downstairs.

I arrive to see Hermione, the real Moody, Remus, a girl with purple hair and a dark skinned man. "Riana, what's your patronus?" Remus asks me.

"Vampire bat, obviously. Seriously ask something more personal next time" I tell him. He chuckles. I give Hermione a hug. "Going to introduce me to everyone Remus?" I ask.

"Right, well you know Hermione and Moody. This is Kingsley Shacklebolt and Nymphadora Tonks" he says.

"Don't call me Nymphadora though, it's just Tonks" the girl tells me. I nod my head.

"We're here to escort you and Miss Granger to where you'll be staying" Moody tells me.

"They already sent your luggage there" my uncle tells me. "Do as you're told and keep your head down" he tells me.

"I will uncle" I assure him and hug him. "Take care of yourself and grandfather" I tell him. He nods his head.

"Do you both know how to fly?" Tonks asks Hermione and I.

"Of course, love to fly" I tell her.

"Yes, though I'm not very good at it" Hermione admits.

"You can fly with me Hermione" Remus tells her. She gives him a grateful smile as Tonks gives me a broom. Green sparks appear and we mount the brooms. Five minutes later more appear and we take off. Moody leading the way and Remus flying beside me. As Kingsley and Tonks flanked us.

(Time skip)

We landed in a park and crossed the quiet street. Hermione and I are handed a piece of parchment which we memorize. Before Moody burnt it. As we thought about what we had read a building appeared in front of us. We're ushered inside and taken to the kitchen. Where we are greeted by the Weasleys and Sirius.

Once that was done, we all had dinner. We were told that we had to help clean the house and at some point Harry would be joining us. We were told we weren't allowed in meetings and to be quiet in the hallways. Otherwise we'd set off Sirius' mothers' portrait. Buckbeak is here and there's also a house elf called Kreacher.

After dinner Ginny showed Hermione and I to our room. Which we were sharing with her. We were about to get ready for bed before I was called downstairs. I arrived to see Dumbledore. We took a seat at the table and he asked how I felt about the war.

"Well I'm on your side, but I can't openly do anything to show my support. Without endangering my people" I tell him.

"Understandable, the vampires wish to remain natural" he states. "But can I ask a favour of you?" he asks me.

"Of course professor" I tell him.

"Watch over Harry for me this year. I can't be seen showing any favourtism to him, especially with the ministry trying to interfere at Hogwarts" he tells me.

"Of course Professor, he's one of my closest friends" I tell him. "Any luck find a new Defense teacher?" I ask him curious.

"Not yet, the ministry says if I am unable too. They'd assign someone themselves to the position" he tells me.

"Can they do that?" I ask him.

"Only if Fudge makes a new Educational Decree, which rumors says he is doing" he tells me. "If someone from the ministry does become the new defense professor. You must be very careful with your secret" he tells me.

"I'll be careful" I assure him. "Anything else?" I ask and he shakes his head. We said goodbye to each other and I returned to my room. Where I finished getting ready for bed quietly so as not to week the others. Then went to bed myself.


Picture above of Nymphadora Tonks and picture on the external link of Grimmauld Place kitchen.

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