Return to School

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Riana's POV

Today we returned to Hogwarts. Sirius became more and more prone to what Mrs. Weasley called 'fits of the sullens', in which he would become taciturn and grumpy, often withdrawing to Buckbeak's room for hours at a time. His gloom seeped through the house, oozing under doorways like some noxious gas, so that all of them became infected by it. But there was nothing we could do about it. We had to return to school,even with Umbridge there.

Mr Weasley was released last night fully cured from Saint Mungo's. Snape had also paid the house a visit. He'll be teaching Harry occlumency. The magical defense of the mind. It's supposed to protect his mind against Voldemort and prevent him seeing things from Voldemort's mind. But I know it won't be easy.

Anyway we returned to school by Knight Bus. After a quick breakfast and dressing up in warm clothes. Tonks and Lupin escorted us. Ron had been very excited to try the knight bus. Fred, George and Ginny, took seats at the back on the first level with Remus. While the other three and I went to the third one with Tonks.

I had so much fun on the Knight bus. While Hermione had her eyes covered next to me with Pigwidgeon on her shoulder. By the end of the trip, Ron swore he'd never ride the Knight Bus again. "Are you kidding? That was so much fun" I tell him. He looked at me as if I was made.

Remus and Tonks helped us off the bus with our luggage, then got off to say goodbye.I notice all the passengers of the Knight Bus staring down at us, noses flat against the windows. Tonks said we'd be safe once we entered the grounds and wished us a good term. Remus told us to take care of ourselves and watch out for each other.

We entered the grounds safely and went to our common room. Putting our luggage away. I then left to go explore the castle. I soon spot Draco. "Hi Draco" I say as I fall into step with him. "Enjoy the rest of the break?" I ask.

"It was fine" he mumbles. "Um how's Maria?" he asks.

"She's great, the transition went smoothly and she is now a part vampire" I say lowly. He nods his head mutely. "You still upset by it?" I ask him.

"What if she had been a pureblood? We can't taint our blood like that" he states and I roll my eyes.

"Draco, we don't force anyone. It's their choose" I tell him.

"No proud pureblood would become a half breed" he states. I give him a pointed look. "Sorry" he mumbles. "So how was the rest of your break?" he asks.

"It was ok, pretty boring" I tell him. "But guess what?" I say excitedly.

"What?" he asks curious.

"My grandpa says I can help sell wands this summer, though I won't be able to make any until he believes I am ready" I state.

"That's great" he states. "You know I'm a little envious, you've always known what you were going to do after school. But me, I still have no clue" he admits.

"You'll think of something" I assure him. "Besides with the amount of money your family has, you could probably live off that and not have to work a day in your life" I state.

"True" he says with a chuckle.

"But if you did want to work, I could find a place for you at Ollivanders" I state.

"Really?" he asks surprised.

"What are friends for?" I ask him.

"But I thought it was a family business" he states. I look out the window.

"It is" I mutter.

"Then why offer me a job?" he asks confused.

"Use that brain of yours" I tell him looking him in the eyes. "I gotta go" I add and go to leave. He grabs my hand and I feel sparks.

"Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?" he asks. "The next weekend" he adds.

"Of course, but I thought you usually went with friends" I state.

"We are friends" he says with a smile. I smile back. "See you in class" he adds and left.

The first day of listens went good. Though Hagrid is on probation like Trelawney. It's only a matter of time until one of them is sucked. But the question is, who will be first? Umbridge still doesn't know I'm a part vampire, thank Merlin.

But I think she suspects someone is one as I over heard her talking to Madame Pomfrey about blood bags. About why she needs them, when she has blood replenishing potion. So Madame Pomfrey and I will have to be extra careful with hand overs. I decided to ask Harry, if I could borrow his cloak on those nights. But luckily I have enough blood for this week.

Anyway, I studied with Hermione and Ron while Harry had his first Occlumency lesson with Snape. It didn't go well apparently. But Hermione and I assured him it'd get easier as long as he practiced in between lessons with Snape. Which he'll have once a week apparently. I went to bed after finishing my homework.


The next planned 10 chapters:

Valentine's Day

Quibbler Article


Career Advice



Escaping Umbridge

Dumbledore's Army VS Deatheaters

Death Chamber

Second War Begins

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