Death Chamber

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Riana's POV

We arrive in London safely, it's already dark. All ministry workers have no doubt gone home for the day. I was right, we got through the ministry to the department of ministries no problem. It took a few tried though until we found the time room that lead to the hall prophecies. Where Sirius is supposedly being tortured by Voldemort. Which is why I find it strange that I hear no tortured screams with my advance part-vampire hearing.

After looking at the number on the shelves. We go right. "Something isn't right guys, keep your wands ready" I tell them lowly. We crept forward, glancing behind us as we went on down the long alleys of shelves, the further ends of which were in near-total darkness. Tiny, yellowing labels had been stuck beneath each glass orb on the shelves. Some of them had a weird, liquid glow; others were as dull and dark within as blown light bulbs.

We soon reach row ninety-seven, only to find nothing. No signs of anyone being tortured, I don't even smell fresh blood. Though my ears pick up the faint sound of something. Before I could focus on it Neville speaks. "Harry, it's got your name on it" he states looking at a prophecy on the shelf.

Harry walks over again masking the sound I am trying to identify. Hermione warned him against taking the prophecy. But he didn't listen and took it off of the shelf. "Guys we're not alone" I tell them as I finally recognize the sound. It's footsteps, at least a dozen. We're surrounded by deatheaters and Lucius Malfoy demands Harry hand over the prophecy.

Harry in turns asks where Sirius is. Bellatrix teased him about thinking his dream was real. While Harry talked to them I tried to think of a plan. And one came to me when Bellatrix knocked over a few prophecies. I nudge Ginny getting her attention. "On Harry's signal blast the shelves, pass it on" I whisper. She nods and tells Luna, who tells Neville, who tells Ron, who tells Hermione, who told Harry. Harry in turn sent a message back to wait for his signal. While Lucius argues with Bellatrix.

"Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord. Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant. Don't you want to know the secret, of your scar. All of the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me, I can show you everything" Lucius tells Harry. He hasn't noticed me yet at the back of our group.

"I've waited fourteen years" Harry states.

"I know" Lucius says.

"Think I can wait a little longer. NOW!" Harry shouts. We all shout "reducto" blasting the shelves. Then run using the broken prophecies as cover. But we get separated. I end up with Ron, Ginny and Luna.

"What now?" Ron asks me.

"We find the others and get out of here" I state.

"Which way though?" Ginny asks. I hear multiple footsteps heading our way.

"No time to debate, they're coming" I tell them. "Run" I say and we take off. The deatheaters appeared and followed us into a room of planets. After a small fight which ended up with Ginny hurting her ankle and Ron been hit with some sort of spell that makes him act like an even bigger idiot then usual. We manage to get back to the room of doors. Where the others were. Luna explained what happened while I bind Ginny's leg with a spell.

Harry grabs Ron heading to a door. While Luna helps Ginny, while I help Neville with an unconscious Hermione. As we reached the door the deatheaters appears. We ran through and Harry locks the door behind us. "There are other ways in--WE'VE GOT THEM, THEY'RE HERE!" we hear one of the deatheaters shout.

"Luna, Neville, Riana help me!" Harry shouts. We start to lock all the doors around the room. We nearly got them all until I hear Luna shout.

"Get Potter!" shouts Bellatrix Lestrange. We tried to fight. But we're soon all restrained by a deatheater but Harry.

"Lady Sanguini" Lucius Malfoy says looking at me.

"You do anything to me and you'll be starting a war" I sneer.

"Crabbe, make sure she is unharmed. We don't need more people joining Dumbledore" he tells the person holding me. He then turns to Harry and approaches him. "Did you actually believe, or are you truly naïve enough to think that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die" he tells him.

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville shouts and is silenced by Bellatrix. When Harry hands it over. Sirius appears with members of the Order of the Phoenix. We're freed as both sides begin to fight and the prophecy is broken. Tonks starts to gather us kids together while Harry duels alongside Sirius.

Things were going well until Bellatrix killed Sirius and he fell through the veil. Harry ran after her as she fled the room. Lupin made us a port key that sent us to the hospital wing at Hogwarts. Where Madame Pomfrey tends to our wounds. I only had mild injuries, but if the vampire council find out. I'll be in trouble for going to the ministry when all vampires are supposed to be neutral.

Just then my uncle strolls into the room and he does not look happy. "Riana, we're leaving" he states.

"Excuse me, but she nee rest" Madame Pomfrey tells him.

"It's fine" I assure her. "I'll be back as soon as possible" I add. She sighs in defeat and I leave the hospital wing with my uncle. "Do they know?" I ask him.

"Yes and they are not happy with you or the deatheaters" he states.

"How bad is it?" I ask him.

"I don't know" he tells me. We leave the castle and grounds. He grabs my arm and we disappear, then reappear. "Come" he says and leads me to the council room. He knocks and we are called in. We bow before the council of elders.

"Lady Sanguini, do you know why you've been summoned?" the leader asks.

"I do" I say keeping my head held high.

"Please tell us why you disobeyed our decision" another says.

"My friends were in danger" I tell them. "I am friend with Harry Potter and his two best friends. They are my best human friends and I just couldn't turn my back on them when I know I could help" I explain. I explained about Harry's connection to Voldemort's mind and the dream he had. How he believed his godfather, the only true family he has left was in danger. How we tried to check to see if it was true and we go confirmation it was. So went to the ministry to save him.

"But it was a lie, I don't know how Harry was fooled. I don't even know who he talked too through the floo network. Anyway, after we were caught by Umbridge and her inquisitorial squad. Hermione, Harry and I lead her into the woods. Where Umbridge was carried away by the centaur herd after attacking them and calling them filthy half-breeds. The others had managed to get away from her squad and we flew on therstrals to London" I explain.

"Then what?" the leader asks.

"We go into the ministry and made our way to the department of mysterious. It wasn't until we were in the hall of prophecies that we realized it was a trap. The deatheaters didn't realize who I was at first. Until they caught us, the person leading the group ordered I not be harmed. But I had already received some mild injuries" I state.

"You broke the rules, but you were helping your dear friends and we respect that. We are not happy that you were hurt. We will discuss what to do about you know who and his followers. But you are forbidden to contact your friends by magic or owls this summer. If you run into each other, you may talk and you will continue your training to be a noble vampire" the leader tells me. I nod my head.

My uncle takes me back to Hogwarts. He kissed my forehead before leaving. Promising to pick me up at the station when school officially ends. Madame Pomfrey fusses over me behind a closed curtain and hands me a bag of blood. Orders me to drink it and rest. I do so.


Picture above of death chamber.

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