Meeting with Uncle

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Riana's POV

"Uncle! Uncle Sanguini, I need you!" I call. I'm in a dark part of the forest. Which is dark even though the sun is high. A safe place for vampires to meet without fear of burning.

"Why must you summon me during the day?" he drawls as he appears.

"There was an incident during Care of Magical Creatures" I tell him.

"What sort of incident?" he asks me curious.

"A boy in my year was hurt, there was blood" I state.

"So? You have been around open wounds before, how was this any different?" he asks me.

"I don't know, but his blood was so alluring. I have never had trouble with my thirst before. I'm worried" I tell him.

"You need not be" he tells me.

"So you know why I felt the way I did?" I ask him hopeful.

"Oh yes, do you remember when I told you about mates?" he asks me.

"You mean Soul-mates?" I ask him and he nods his head. "Very little, you just told me my mother was my father's mate. That some vampires go their whole lives without finding their soulmate" I state.

"That is true, I am nearly a hundred years old and I still have yet to find my mate. But it appears you have" he tells me. "Tell me, the boys name" he orders.

"Draco Malfoy" I state.

"Ah he has veela blood" he tells me smiling approvingly. "Vampires have bonded with veela before. Though the boy won't be a full veela, he'll be very handsome when he turns seventeen. He will then feel the bond to you" he tells me.

"But it's Malfoy, I despise him. He bullies my friends and is a spoiled brat" I tell him.

"We cannot choose who our soulmate is" he tells me."But we bring out the best of each other, there is good in him. But he'll your help to be the best wizard he can be" he states.

"I don't see it" I grumble.

"Maybe not now, but in time you will" he assures me. "Now you must return to the castle before they send a search party" he tells me.

"But what am I suppose to do? I can't stand him" I tell him.

"Nothing, you both are still to young to bond. For now watch over him, get to know him better. When you both come of age you will feel even more drawn to him. You must not ignore it" he tells me.

"Fine" I grumble. "Thank you uncle" I say.

"Take these, the first will explain all you need to know about soulmates. The second about part veelas" he says handing me two books. "Keep them hidden, keep them safe" he tells me

"I will uncle, thank you for all the help" I tell him. I bow my head and place the books into my bag. I mount the black hippogriff and he flies us back to the paddock. I then left him and go to class. Ignoring my friends inquisitive glances. Then before dinner I go to the hospital wing for a blood bag.

"Did something happen dear? You weren't due your next dose for a couple of weeks" Madame Pomfrey says concerned.

"Surely you heard of what happened in class" I say.

"Yes I did, Mr Malfoy is behaving like a toddler. He claims to be in pain and insists on wearing a sling. Even though his arm is completely healed" she states.

"Sounds like the same old Malfoy" I grumble. How can the fates be so cruel as to pair me with him? No doubt he'll try to have poor Buckbeak killed. "Thank you" I say accepting the blood bag. I drink all of it and she makes the bag vanish.

"Do take care of yourself dear" she tells me.

"I will, see you later" I tell her and leave. I go to the library to study. Getting a head start on my homework before dinner. Then at dinner I sit with Ginny, Neville and Luna. We make small talk about how our first days went.

"Are you feeling well Riana? You looked pale after Care of Magical Creatures" Neville says worried.

"I'm fine, blood just makes me queasy" I assure him.

"I'm glad, we all wondered why you left in such a hurry" he states.

"Well I am perfectly fine" I tell him. He smiles and goes to sit with the others. "So Ginny, Luna how were you're classes?" I ask them.

"Oh very good, I had DADA with Professor Lupin" Ginny tells me smiling. "He had a ghoul, the one from the Muggle Studies classroom. He gave us a lecture on ghouls" she states.

"Yes, it was quiet fascinating, do you not have a ghoul Ginny?" Luna asks her.

"Yes, in our attic" Ginny answers. "More of a pet then a pest. Except when it bangs on the pipes and howls occasionally in the middle of the night" she states.

"I look forward to my first DADA lesson, I wonder what creature we'll study" I muse.

"Maybe a werewolf" Ginny suggests.

"Or a grindylow" Luna suggests.

"It could be a spell we learn" I tell them.

"True" Ginny says nodding her head. We finish dinner and all return to our dormitories. I got ready for bed and call it an early night.


Picture above of forest clearing and picture on the external link of Sanguini.

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