Snape Teaching Lupin's Class

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Riana's POV

Tomorrow is the first quidditch match of the season. There was a full moon last night. Hermione, Ron and I walked to DADA class together. Harry is running late as Oliver wanted to  talk to him about last minute quidditch strategies for tomorrow's match. When we arrive we see Professor Snape is teaching today's class.

We all take our seats and he takes the roll. After he took the roll the door to the room opens. "Sorry I'm late, Professor Lupin. I..." Harry starts to say. But stops when he notices Professor Snape behind Lupin's desk.

"This lesson began ten minutes ago, Potter. So I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor. Sit down" Snape tells him. But Harry didn't move.

"Where's professor Lupin?" Harry asks him.

"He says he is feeling too ill to teach today" Snape says with a twisted smile. " "I believe I told you to sit down" he adds. But Harry stays standing demanding to know what's wrong with Professor Lupin. "Nothing life-threatening" he drawls. ""Five more points from Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you to sit down again, it will be fifty" he states and Harry finally sits down.

"Professor Lupin has not left any record of the topics you have covered so far..." Snape starts to say.

"Please, sir, we've done Boggarts, Red Caps, Kappas, and Grindylows" Hermione tells him.

"Be quiet" he tells her. "I did not ask for information. I was merely commenting on Professor Lupin's lack of organization" he states.

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had" I tell him coolly.

"You are easily satisfied. Lupin is hardly overtaxing you -- I would expect first years to be able to deal with Red Caps and Grindylows. Now turn to page 394" Snape tells us. I start to do so.

"Werewolves" Ron says once he finds the page.

"Sir, we're not supposed to start nocturnal beasts for weeks" Hermione tells him.

"She's right, we're up to hinkypunks" I state.

"Quiet" he tells us both. "I am teaching this lesson, not you two. And I am telling you all we are studying werewolves today" he states. "Which of you can tell me how we distinguish between the werewolf and the true wolf?" he asks us. Hermione and I are the only ones to raise our hands. But Snape ignores us.

"Are you telling me that Professor Lupin hasn't even taught you the basic distinction between..." he starts to say.

"We told you!" Parvati exclaims. "We haven't got as far as werewolves yet, we're still on..." she tries to say.

"Silence" Snape snarls. "I never thought I'd meet a third-year class who wouldn't even recognize a werewolf when they saw one. I shall make a point of informing Professor Dumbledore how very behind you all are" he states.

"Please sir, the werewolf differs from the true wolf in several small ways. The snout of the werewolf..." Hermione starts to explain. Her hand still in the air. I'd already put mine down.

"That's the second time... you've spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself... or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Snape asks her. Hermione went very red, put down her hand, and stared at the floor with her eyes full of tears. While I glare hotly at Snape wanting to rip his throat out, no one makes my best friend cry. "Five points from Gryffindor" he adds and we gryffindors groan.

"You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?" I demand hotly.

"Detention Adleril-Von" he tells me. "And if I ever hear you criticize the way I teach a class again, you will be very sorry indeed" he sneers. No one made a sound throughout the rest of the lesson. We sat and made notes on werewolves from the textbook. While Snape prowled up and down the rows of desks. Examining the work they had been doing with Professor Lupin.

"Very poorly explained...That is incorrect, the Kappa is more commonly found in Mongolia... Professor Lupin gave this eight out of ten? I wouldn't have given it three" he states. When the bell rang at last, Snape held us back. "You will each write an essay, to be handed in to me, on the ways you recognize and kill werewolves. I want two rolls of parchment on the subject, and I want them by Monday morning" he explains.

"Adleril-Von, stay behind, we need to arrange your detention" he tells me. Hermione and the other two leave with the rest of the class.

"How dare you undermine Lupin like that. You want him sacked and can't expose him yourself. So now you're using us to do it and how dare you make my best friend cry. You should know better then to anger me Snape" I sneer once we were alone.

"You'd do well to remember I am your teacher" he drawls.

"Oh I have not forgotten, but you keep pushing my buttons I won't care" I tell him.

"You'll be cleaning out the bedpans in the hospital wing. Without magic" he tells me. "You start tonight and will go every night until they are all clean" he states.

"Whatever" I say and leave the classroom before dismisses me. I meet up with the others and we go to our next lesson. I hope Lupin returns to class soon. Otherwise Snape may have the class study vampires next to get back at me. Sure only Hermione may figure out the truth, but I'd rather tell her myself. But I still worry about her reaction.


Picture above of an image from the slide show and picture on the external link of page 394.

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