Hagrid Article

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Riana's POV

So it's the 4th and I maybe avoiding Draco. "You're definitely avoiding him" Maria states. As she, Adrian and I relax by the lake.

"But why?" Adrian asks me as I shoo a beetle away.

"You know why" I tell them.

"If he genuinely likes you, which he will being your mate. He won't care" Adrian tells me.

"He may act like it bothers him in the beginning, because of his up bringing. But he'll get over it" Maria states.

"But how long will that take?" I ask them feeling hopeless. "He's researching our kind, it won't be long before he puts the dots together. He's smart and I'm scared of his reaction" I tell them honestly.

"Riana, you're still you" Maria tells me.

"He likes you for who you are, not what you are" Adrian adds.

"This dumb beetle, shoo" Maria says waving it away.

"There you guys are" Draco says as he joins us holding a copy of the Daily Prophet. "Check this out" he says showing us a column. We read it and I scowl incinerating the paper. "Why did you do that?" he asks me confused.

"So what if Hagrid is part giant, we've know him for four years and he has never hurt anyone" I snap. "Do you think it's fun making fun of half-breeds?" I demand.

"Why are you taking this personally? It's not like you're a half-breed" he states.

"Actually I am" I snap and he freezes in shock. "I can't deal with this, see you guys later" I tell Adrian and Maria. Before storming off. I go look for Hermione, Harry and Ron. I find them heading to Hagrid's. "Take it, you guys read the article" I say.

"Yes" Harry says and Hermione looks at me. She reaches into her pocket and offers me a blood pop.

"Looks like you need one" she states. I smile in gratitude accepting it. I take the wrapper off and start to enjoy it as we reach Hagrid's hut. We knock and Fang barks from inside the house.

"Hagrid, it's us! Open up!" Harry shouts. Hagrid didn't answer. They could hear Fang scratching at the door, whining, but it didn't open. They hammered on it for ten more minutes; Ron even went and banged on one of the windows, but there was no response.

"What's he avoiding us for?" Hermione asks us and I shrug.

"He surely doesn't think we'd care about him being half-giant?" I ask. "I mean I'm part-vampire and do you see me hiding?" I ask them. We head back to the castle.

We didn't see a sign of him all week. He didn't appear at the staff table at mealtimes. We didn't see him going about his gamekeeper duties on the grounds. Professor Grubbly-Plank continued to teach the Care of Magical Creatures classes. Malfoy was gloating at every possible opportunity. So I've been giving him the silent treatment.

If he thinks he can treat one of my friends this way, he's wrong. He hasn't even talked to me about being a half-breed. "He'll apologize soon" Maria tells.

"I don't need a fake apology from him" I snap as I skip a rock across the lake. "If he actually meant it, maybe I'd buy it" I state. "How can he treat Hagrid that way? He and I are suppose to be friends at least. And he is making fun of Hagrid being a half-breed when he knows I'm one" I grumble.

"Maybe he thought you were joking" Adrian says. Maria and I give him a look. "Sorry, forget I said anything" he grumbles. "Any ideas about the second task?" he asks changing the subject.

"Nope, Harry hasn't even figured the Egg out yet" I state.

"I saw Viktor swimming" he states.

"But it's freezing" Maria says.

"It's colder at our school" Adrian says with a shrug.

"Fleur has been reading charms books" Maria states.

"I'll talk to Harry and the others about it" I tell them. "Lets go study, I need to take my mind off of this" I tell them. They agree and we went to the library. Where we did our homework.


Picture above of Rita's article on Harry and Hermione. Picture on the external link of the article about Hagrid.

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