Talk with Hermione

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Riana's POV

"Why do you think that?" I ask her trying to act natural.

"Because I saw Madame Pomfrey get a few blood bags the other day. Why would she need them? When she has blood replenishing potion" she states. "I also noticed your patronus was a bat" she adds.

"So what?" I ask her. "I have a bat for a pet" I remind her.

"I noticed you got lollipops at Honeydukes, but I have not seen you ate them" she states.

"They were a gift for someone" I state.

"The vampire?" she asks me.

"You're not going to drop this are you?" I ask her.

"No" she says shaking her head.

"Fine, you want to know who the part vampire is. It's me" I tell her quietly.

"Really? Why did you never tell me?" she asks me.

"Because, most people fear vampires like they do werewolves. I did not want to be judged for being part vampire" I state.

"Does anyone else know?" she asks me.

"The staff, my grandfather and uncle" I tell her.

"The uncle you live with?" she asks me.

"Yes, he's a full vampire" I tell her. "Like my father, my mother was a human though. She died giving birth to me" I state.

"I'm sorry" she says sincerely.

"It was years ago" I tell her. "Can we keep this between us?" I ask her. "Harry may not care, but we both not what Ron can be like" I state.

"Of course, it's out secret" she says with a smile. "Can I ask you a few questions? From what I read every part vampire is different" she states.

"I'm allergic to garlic, need fresh blood once a month, and burn easily. Anything else?" I ask her.

"Are werewolves and vampires enemies?" she asks me curious.

"No, we just smell terrible to each other" I tell her wrinkling my nose.

"You know I looked at the lunar cycle and think Professor Lupin is a werewolf" she tells me.

"You won't tell anyone will you? He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've had since we started here" I tell her.

"I know and he's not dangerous during the day" she states.

"Did you notice his boggart was a full moon?" I ask her curious.

"Yes, from what I read it's very painful when they turn on a full moon" she states. "What's your boggart?" she asks me curious.

"People finding out what I am and turning their backs on me" I tell her. She hugs me and I smile hugging back.

"I'll always be your best friend and won't ever turn my back on you" she tells me. I can tell she isn't lying. "Do you think Professor Lupin takes the wolfsbane potion?" she asks me curious.

"I'm sure that's what Professor Snape gave him on Halloween" I tell her.

"Oh you're right, Harry said Professor Snape had given Professor Lupin a potion" she says. "At least he'll have control of his body on full moons" she states.

"I'm sure he still locks himself up to be on the safe side" I tell her.

"Riana, why did you disappear that day? After Malfoy was injured by Buckbeak, you just flew away on that black hippogriff. Where did you go?" she asks me.

"I went deeper into the forest, where the sun could not penetrate the canopy. I summoned my uncle and spoke to him. I've never acted that way around blood before" I tell her.

"Did he help you?" she asks me.

"Yes, though I wish I could forget what he said sometimes" I tell her grumbling. "I'll tell you about it someday, but not today" I tell her. "By the way, did they find Harry's Nimbus" I ask her.

"Yes, it was at the base of the whopping willow. Smashed to pieces" she states.

"I take it there's no chance of fixing it" I say.

"You'd be right" she tells me.

"Who knows, he may get a better broom for Christmas" I tell her.

"Maybe, but he loved that broom" she tells me. "We should finish our homework" she adds. I agree and we get back to work. Only talking to compare notes. We finish out essays in time for dinner. We drop our bags off at our dorm and go to the great hall.

We join Ginny who tells us Madame Pomfrey will be keeping Harry in all weekend. Sucks to be him. But I'll have to be-careful when I go get my next blood bag tomorrow. I'll either go supper early or wait until he's asleep.

Or maybe I can just tell him the truth. Hermione took it well, but I don't want him to have to keep a secret from Ron. Who is his best friend and was the first friend he ever made here at Hogwarts. Maybe I should wait until I'm ready to tell Ron. I'll decide tomorrow before I get my blood bag.

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