Valentines Day

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Riana's POV

So it turns out the next Hogsmeade visit was on Valentines day. I don't think Draco knew that when he invited me. After all, we are only friends in his eyes. Even though I long to be more.

Anyway, since our return to Hogwarts. Ten death eaters have escaped Azkaban, including Bellatris Lestrange. Sister of Narcissa Malfoy, which makes her Draco's aunt. The ministry is blaming Sirius. But the order know it's because the dementors have joined Voldemort again.

D.A meetings are going well. We'd be starting Patronuses soon. Hermione came up with a idea for Harry to tell the world the truth about Voldemort's return. So asked Harry to meet her at the Three Broomsticks after his date with Cho. Saying Cho could come along. I wished her luck before going to meet Draco.

"Morning Riana" he says with a smile.

"Morning" I say. "So what's on the agenda today?" I ask him curious. As we leave the castle together.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise" he states.

"Since when do you do surprises?" I ask him.

"There is a lot you still don't know about me" he tells me. We reach a carriage and he opens the door for me. I smile and get in. He follows shutting the door behind us.

"You know part of the fun is walking right?" I ask him.

"We can walk back" he suggests and I nod my head.

"Umbridge suspects a part vampire might be at school" I tell him.

"Are you being careful?" he asks.

"Yes, but soon it might be impossible for me to get the fresh blood I need to stay healthy" I state.

"Anything I can do to help?" he asks.

"No" I lie. "Don't worry, I'll be ok" I assure him. "Have you started preparing for exams?" I ask him.

"No, have you?" he asks.

"I start tomorrow with Hermione" I tell him.

"Book worm" he teases and I push him gently. We arrive at Hogsmeade. He gets out first and offers me his hand.

"What a gentleman" I say as I take exiting the carriage. "Return to Hogwarts" I say to the therstral. Who snorts and leaves the carriage. "Where to first?" I ask Draco.

"Honeydukes?" he suggests.

"Good, I need more blood pops" I state. We head to the sweet shop. "So what's your favourite sweet?" I ask Draco.

"Dribbles and chocolate frogs, though I won't say no to a cauldron cake" he states. "My parents send me a box of Berty Botts Beans though. My friends and I like to take turns eating them, while the others try to figure out if they ate a good or bad one" he explains.

"Harry and Ron do that wither their dorm mates too" I say with a chuckle. We start to pick out sweets. I get some sugar quills to go with my blood pops. We pay for them separately. When we exit the shop, we see the rest of the students had arrived from Hogwarts.

"Where to next?" he asks me.

"I actually wanted to send a letter to my uncle" I tell him.

"Why not send it from school?" he asks me confused and I roll my eyes.

"Because Umbridge is having every letter sent to and from Hogwarts checked" I state.

"Right" he says and we head to the post office. I write a letter to my uncle while Draco went to choose an owl. Once I finish my letter, I put it in the addressed envelope. Handing it to the owl Draco had paid for and it left.

"Thanks" I say to Draco.

"No problem" he says. "Want to see if your grandfather is in his shop?" he asks.

"Sure" I say and he lead the way. We enter the shop to see my grandpa tending to a customer. He gives us a smile and focuses back on the customer. Draco and I look around the shop.

"Well your wand appears to be in good order, though I would suggest a new one Mr Longbottom. This one is old and it did not choose you" my grandpa states lowly. To low for Draco to hear.

"I'll ask my grandmother about it" Neville mutters. "Thanks" he says and left.

"How are you darling?" Grandpa asks me.

"I am well, you remember my friend Draco" I say.

"I do, how is your wand?" he asks.

"It's fine sir, in perfect condition" Draco assures him.

"How are you?" I ask him.

"I am well, looking forward to having you help me this summer" he states. "Actually, I'm glad your here" he says and goes out back. He returns with several books. "Books on wandlore and identifying wands. I expect you to have read them by summer break" he tells me.

"Will do" I say and put them in my bag. Draco looks at it surprised. "What? It's an undetectable extension charm" I tell him. "See you this summer" I tel Grandpa and hug him. Before leaving with Draco.

"Three Broomsticks?" he asks and I nod my head. We head to the Three Broomsticks. We get a table and order a butter beer each.

"So did you know it would be Valentines day when you asked me to come here?" I ask him.

"No" he says. "Does it bother you that it is?" he asks.

"No, it's just what if people thought we were dating?" I ask him. And he laughs.

"You and I on a date, that's a laugh" he chuckles. I scowl and get up grabbing my bag. "Raina?" he says confused.

"You know I'm glad you find the thought of us dating so amusing" I sneer.

"Why are you upset?" he asks me. "You know we'd never date with you being a..." he stops.

"A what Draco?" I ask glaring at him. "See you around" I snap and stalk out of the pub. Fighting back tears. How can fate be so cruel? Why couldn't I be with someone else? Someone who wouldn't care that I'm a part-vampire. Instead, I'm paired with a pureblood who thinks anything less is filth. Sure he's fine being friends, but the thought of us being anything more, was laughable to him. And it hurts so much.

I return to the castle and go to my dorm room. Which is empty. I sit on my bed as silent tears fall. I wipe them away. He's not worth my tears. I take the books out that grandfather had given me. I start to read the first one on wandlore.

Draco's POV

I'm walking back to the castle, still confused by Riana's behavour. Why would she be upset about me laughing at the thought of us dating? She has a mate and. Wait, could I be her mate? No she would of told me. But then I remember our talk at the Astronomy tower.

She had said the guy knew she was a vampire. That she wasn't sure how he'd feel being friends with a part vampire, let alone being ones mate. When I asked who is was, she said it was nothing for me to worry about. So I can't be the one. Besides it'd never happen, my parents would never allow it even if I did fall for her. I'd be disowned and be left with nothing. Riana deserves better then that, no it's not me. It's just to insane to be true.

I returned to the castle. And go to my dorm room. I decide to do my home work. To try to get my mind off of Riana's odd behaviour.


Picture above of Draco.

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