Hogsmeade 1994

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Riana's POV

Not a lot has happened since the champions were chosen. Eight days ago Harry and I got out of potions early due to the wand weighing ceremony. Essentially my grandfather came to examine each of the champions wands. I got help my grandfather and he tested my knowledge with Viktor's wand. He was very happy with what I said about it. Said I'd be a fine wand maker some day. Which made me happy.

Also a reporter and photographer from the Daily Prophet was present also. They took a photo of all four champions together. The reporter Rita Skeeter interviewed each champion. Five days ago the article was published. It had turned out to be not so much a report on the tournament as a highly colored life story of Harry. Much of the front page had been given over to a picture of Harry; the article (continuing on pages two, six, and seven) had been all about Harry, the names of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang champions (misspelled) had been squashed into the last line of the article, and Cedric hadn't been mentioned at all.

I said that Harry was dating Hermione. Which I found hilarious. I may of teased Hermione about it. Harry had had to endure people -Slytherins, mainly - quoting it at him as he passed and making sneering comments. Honestly I'm glad Colin didn't label me as Harry's girlfriend. Hermione and I have tried to mend things between Harry & Ron. But Ron has been very stubborn along with Harry.

So Hermione and I have been taking turns in spending time with each of them. Today Hermione is going with Harry to Hogsmeade. While Harry went under his invisibility cloak to avoid people. Ron is going to Hogsmeade with his dorm mates. I'm going with Adrian, Viktor and Maria. I'm dressed in warm gryffindor coloured clothes. As it's cold outside and has began to snow.

"Hey guys" I say when I join them in the entrance hall.

"Hi Riana" they says.

"We ready to go?" I ask them.

"Not  yet" Maria tells me.

"We're waiting for one more person" Adrian states.

"While we wait, I have a question for you" Viktor tells me. "It's about Hermy-own" he states.

"Who?" I ask confused.

"He means Hermione" Maria tells me.

"Oh, what about her?" I ask him with a smile.

"Is she dating Harry?" Viktor asks me. I laugh.

"I'm sorry" I say giggling. "That's hilarious" I tell him. "Hermione has never dated anyone, she's single. As far as I know, she doesn't like anyone romantically" I explain.

"Oh, thank you" he says with a smile.

"What about Harry? Does he like her?" Adrian asks me.

"As far as I know, no. He's hopeless when it comes to expressing his feelings for a girl. I know he has a crush on Cho Chang at the moment, but he stutters or does something embarrassing whenever he sees her" I explain giggling. "And before you ask. Ron doesn't seem to know Hermione and I are girls most of the time" I state.

"Not surprising" someone drawls. I turn to see Draco and frown in confusion. "Sorry I'm late, was answering a letter from my father" he states.

"Why are you here Draco?" I ask him confused.

"Adrian and Viktor invited me. Said you were giving them a tour of Hogsmeade" he states.

"That's ok right Riana?" Maria asks me.

"I have no problem with it" I state. "Lets go" I tell them and we leave the castle. We board a carriage and it takes us to Hogsmeade.

"What pulls the carriage?" Viktor asks.

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