Deadly Maze

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Riana's POV

It's time for the final task. Draco and I are back to the way we are. He keeps asking who my one is, but I won't tell him. And swore the other two to secrecy. Anyway Barty Crouch is dead. The final task is a maze that has been created at the Quidditch pitch. Hermione, Ron and I helped Harry train for it. Teaching him new spells and about magical creatures he might face.

Rita Skeeter wrote another article about Harry. Trying to make people think he's disturbed and dangerous. Honestly she's a nightmare. As the end of the article she promised her readers to reveal a dark Hogwarts secret once the tournament is over. Whatever that is.

Now I sit with mine and Harry friends as we wait for the final task to begin. While Maria and Adrian supported their schools champions. Bill and Mrs Weasley came to support Harry. Cedric's parents arrived along with the other champions families. To watch the last task.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each, Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!" Dumbledore says. The cheers and applause sent birds from the Forbidden Forest fluttering into the darkening sky. "In second place, with eighty points. Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" he states. More applause. "And in third place - Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy" he finishes and more cheers.

"Now their job is simple. Earlier today Professor Moody put the Triwizard Cup in the middle of the maze. All the champions have to do is make their way through it and first to grab the cup wins. Now Harry and Cedric will go first, followed by Viktor five minutes later then Fleur.

If any of you run into trouble you can't handle. Simply shot red sparks into the air. We'll have teachers patrolling the perimeter of the maze. There is no time limit. Once you have to cup shot green sparks into the air" Dumbledore explains. He nods at Mr Bagman.

"So on my whistle, Harry and Cedric" Bagman tells them. They nod their heads in understanding and went to the maze entrance. "Three, two, one" he says and blows his whistle. They enter the maze and soon disappear from view all together. Soon the other two enter the maze.

"What now?" Ron asks Hermione and I.

"We wait" Hermione says.

"Well that's boring" he states.

"You think we weren't bored during the last task while you were in the lake" I state.

"What did you do?" he asks me curious.

"Took bets, played games" I tell him with a shrug.

"Speaking of bets, want to place one Riana?" George asks me.

"Sure, five galleons that Harry and Cedric claim the cup together" I tell him. He writes it down and takes the money. Before leaving. "Hermione, I brought you this" I state handing her a book.

"Thanks" she says with a grateful smile and starts to read. I then pull out a mini wizard chess set and make it the right size.

"Fancy a game?" I ask Ron and he smiles. He move a white pawn and our game begins. I move a knight, then Ron moves another pawn. We continue.

(Time skip)

So Fleur came out first unconscious. No idea why, she was sent to the medical tent. Then Viktor was brought out. Now it's only Harry and Cedric. Thing is though, they've been in there alone for nearly half an hour. One of them should of reached the cup by now. I noticed the teachers looking anxious. Aside from Moody.

Anyway Ron won our game. So I left him with the board and meet up with my friends. We played Exploding Snap. Draco joined us. "Wonder what's taking them so long" Adrain says.

"No idea" I state. Suddenly two people appear in front of the maze and fall onto the ground The Triwizard cup beside them. "They're back" I tell them and get to my feet clapping. With the cheering crowd.

But then there was a scream of horror from those up front. "What's happening?" Maria asks. Adrian wraps an arm around her.

"He's dead! He's dead! Cedric Diggory is dead!" the crowd shouts. Maria covers her mouth in horror. I start to push my way through the crowd. I had to find the other two and make sure Harry is ok. I can finally see the front, I see Dumbledore whispering to Harry. Who looked banged up, but alive.

"Riana!" Hermione shouts and grabs my hand. "What happened?" she asks me.

"I don't know" I tell her. "But Harry needs us" I state and she nods her head in agreement.

"Do you think he's really dead?" Ron asks looking pale.

"I can't tell" I tell him. I notice Moody leading Harry away. "What's he playing at?" I wonder out loud and push my way through the crowd. I rush over to Dumbledore.  "Professor Dumbledore sir, Moody just took Harry away" I state.

"Alastir would not take Harry fro my sight at a time like this" he states looking around. "Severous, Minerva with me" he says. Before they left the scene. Mrs Weasley appeared and shepherded us away so that the scene could be secured.


Picture above of the four champions dressed for the final task and picture on the external link of the maze.

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