Gryffindor's Grim Defeat

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Riana's POV

"There you are Crookshanks" I say as I pick up the ginger cat. He had just come down the stairs that lead to the boys dorm rooms. I stand up to see Harry. "Morning Harry, feeling ready for the match today? The weather looks terrible" I tell him pointing to the window. It's bucketing down and there is an occasional lighting flash.

"A little apprehensive to be honest. Oliver pointed out Cedric to me. He's a fifth year and a lot bigger than me" he explains. 

"That gives you an edge" I tell him and he looks at me confused. "Seekers were usually light and speedy" I tell him.

"But Diggory's weight would be an advantage in this weather because he was less likely to be blown off course" he tells me.

"I see your point" I say as I look out the window. "But you haven't lost us a match yet" I remind him smiling.

"You're right, I'm gonna go to the great hall" he tells me.

"Ok, I'll meet you there. I just have to give Crookshanks to Hermione. She was looking for him, Laveder must of let him out again" I tell him. He nods his head and I go upstairs. "Here you go Hermione, he tried to sneak into the boys dorms" I tell her.

"Bad Crookshanks" she mutters taking him from me. I leave her with him. I go down to the great hall ignoring Sir Cadagon. Honestly could they of picked a more annoying portrait as our temporary guardian? I see Harry sitting with the rest of the team and join them.

"Bucketing down out there, hope you have your rain coats" I tell them.

"Either way, we'll get soaked" the twins tell me.

"Good point" I say nodding my head. I grab some toast and butter it. Before putting plum jam on it and start to ate. They leave to go get ready for the match. Hermione and Ron join me for breakfast. Hermione with two umbrellas.

Once they finish we go down to the pitch. Hermione and I sharing one umbrella, while Ron hogs the other. Though I used the impervius charm on myself to make myself water proof. Water is not good for my hair, it makes it all frizzy like Hermione's. Even though it is bucketing down with rain, the whole school turned out to watch the match as usual.

Soon both teams come onto the pitch to meet Madame Hooch in the middle. The Captains walked up to each other and shook hands. Cedric Diggory smiled at Oliver. But Oliver now looked as though he had lockjaw and merely nodded. Both teams mount their brooms. Madam Hooch blew into her whistle and they were off.

Within five minutes I can tell both teams are totally soaked. I can't hear the commentary over the wind. So I focus my attention on the match. When we were fifty points up. With the first flash of lightning came the sound of Madam Hooch's whistle. Someone had called a time out. "I'll be back" I tell the over two and head down to the pitch.

I head over to the Gryffindor team. "I've had an idea, Harry! Give me your glasses, quick!" I tell him. He does so looking confused.

"How are you not soaking wet?" the twins ask me shocked.

"Like this, Impervius!" I say tapping Harry's glasses with my wand. "They'll repel water" I state as I hand them back to him with a smile. "Good luck" I say and return to the stands. They resumed play before I even reached my seat. "What did I miss?" I ask Ron and Hermione as I sit back down.

"How are you dry?" Ron asks me looking bewildered.

"Harry and the other seeker have spotted the snitch. They just disappeared into the clouds" Hermione tells me. I nod my head and look up at the clouds. Ignoring Ron's question.

Suddenly he becomes colder then before. I look to see about a hundred dementors surrounding the pitch. I draw my wand. "Expecto Patronum!" I yell and my bat patronus appears starting to drive the Dementors away.

 "Expecto Patronum!" I yell and my bat patronus appears starting to drive the Dementors away

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People start to scream pointing at a figure. "No!" Hermione yells in horror. I notice it's Harry falling and gasp in horror. Dumbledore raises from his seat and saves Harry with a spell. Slowing his fall. Harry is taken to the hospital wing while Dumbledore goes to lecture the dementors.

Meanwhile, Cedric managed to catch the snitch winning the match for Hufflepuff. He tried to ask for a rematch. But Oliver agreed that he won the match fair and square. The rest of the team then came with Hermione, Ron and I to see Harry. While Oliver stayed behind to mope about his first lost with Harry on his team. But we haven't lost the quidditch cup, we can still get it. It all depends on points. No doubt he'll train the team harder then before.

After visiting Harry I decide to go to the library. I had homework that needed doing. So I grabbed my bag and went to the library. Where I sit in mine and Hermione's usual corner. I get started on my Charms essay until Hermione joins me. "Riana, can I ask you something?" she asks me.

"Sure" I tell her as I put my quill down.

"What do you know about vampires?" she asks me. I look up at her frowning in confusion.

"Why do you ask? We're not up to them yet" I tell her.

"When I was researching for the werewolf essay, I borrowed a book on vampires by accident. I have a theory there's a part vampire here. At Hogwarts" she states and I avoid her eyes.


Picture above of the match and gif on the external link of Harry falling. Picture in chapter of Riana's patronus.

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