Talk to Draco

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Riana's POV

My grandfather dropped me off forty five minutes before the train is scheduled to leave. I said goodbye to him and boarded the train. I find an empty compartment and put my trunk in the luggage rack. When the door opens. I turn to see Malfoy.

"Oh it's you" he says surprised. "I didn't see you with the others at the cup" he states.

"I went with my grandfather" I state.

"Mr Ollivander" he states.

"Of course you'd know" I say.

"Where are the others?" he asks me.

"Not that it's any of your business Malfoy. But they don't arrive until fifteen minutes until the train is scheduled to leave" I tell him.

"Why do hostile Riana?" he asks me. I freeze slightly.

"You called me by my first name" I say confused as I look at him.

"You're last name is a mouthful" he states shrugging. "So were you supporting Bulgaria or Ireland?" he asks me. I wanted to tell him to leave, but then remembered what Adrian said.

"Bulgaria, you?" I ask him.

"Same, I wish I could of meet the team" he states.

"I did" I tell him smugly.

"Really?" he asks me shocked. I smirk and take out the signed poster and show it to him. "How did you manage that?" he asks me.

"I happen to be pen pals with Viktor Krum's best friend" I tell him with a smile. "They're both in their final year at Durmstrang" I add.

"Dad wanted to send me there, but I wanted to come to Hogwarts and mum sided with me" he tells me.

"If my mum was around, she would of sent me to Beauxbatons" I tell him. "But my dad wanted me to go to Hogwarts. My uncle honured his wishes" I state.

"Can you speak french?" he asks me.

"Bien sûr que je peux monsieur Malfoy" I say in perfect french. (Translation: Of course I can Mr Malfoy). He chuckles.

"Parfait" he says. (Translation: perfect). "You know, you're bearable alone" he tells me.

"So are you" I tell him with a small smile. "Do you regret anything you've done?" I ask him.

"Maybe a little, but dad always tells me I shouldn't feel bad for doing what he says is right" he tells me. "But then..." he trials off.

"Then what?" I ask him curious.

"Then think about what my future wife would think about my behavior. It makes me want to be better. But then I don't want to disappoint my father" he tells me.

"You need to follow your heart" I tell him.

"I don't know what it wants" he tells me. "Do you want to hear a secret?" he asks me smirking.

"What sort of secret?" I ask him curious.

"The reason why we need dress robes this year" he states.

"But I thought the ministry didn't want anyone to know until we returned to school" I say confused.

"But my father has connections and I heard him talking to my mother about it" he says smugly.

"Ok, tell me why we need dress robes" I tell him.

"Only if you promise to not tell anyone. As you said they'll find out tonight" he states.

"I promise" I tell him.

"The Triwizard Tournament" he states.

"I thought that was stopped years ago because of the death toll" I say confused.

"It was, but they've brought it back. With more rules and this is the first year it's being held. It's being held at Hogwarts" he tells me.

"The Yule Ball, every tournament there's a ball Christmas eve. That's why we need dress robes" I state.

"Exactly, you're smart" he states.

"Thanks for the compliment. When I became pen pals with Adrian. I researched his schools history and found out about the tournament. I did research on it" I tell him. I look at the time. "You should go, my friends will be arriving soon" I tell him.

"Right, I have to find mine anyway" he states. Heading fro the door. He pauses and looks back at me. "Thanks for the conversation, I hope we can do it again sometime" he says hopeful.

"We'll see" I tell him with a small smile. He smiles back and leaves. I sigh and smile more. I had an actual civil conversation with Draco Malfoy. No bad mouthing my friends or anything. He even called me by my first name. It felt natural. Maybe Adrian is right, maybe he can be a better wizard if I give him a chance.

Hermione joins me with the other two. They tells me about Mrs Weasley and Bill's weird behavior. I smirk behind my book. No doubt they know about the tournament. But didn't tell the others. It feels nice knowing something they don't. We then start to talk about who our new Defense teacher might be.


Picture above of Draco.

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