Quibbler Article

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Riana's POV

It's been eight days since the Hogsmeade visit. Since I spoke to Draco. I am still waiting on a reply from my uncle. I wish I could talk to him about Draco. But still no word. Apparently Harry's interview went well, but not his date with Cho. Also we won't be doing Patronuses until April now as Harry has thought of another couple of spells to teach the DA first. Like the Bat Boogey Hex, Conjunctivitis Curse, Levicorpus and the stinging hex. As he is still trying to plan the patronus lesson and the best way to teach it.

I sigh as I play with my breakfast. I feel very drained. I'm over due for my dose of fresh blood and it's starting to affect me. "You ok Riana?" Hermione asks concerned.

"Yeah, just tired. Been studying to match for exams" I tell her.

"Maybe you should see Madame Pomfrey?" she suggests.

"I'll be fine Hermione" I assure her. Just then the morning mail appear. An owl lands in front of Harry who looks at it confused. As Hermione paid for her copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Who're you after?" Harry asks the owl and looks at the letter. Frowning, he made to take the letter from the owl. But before he could do so, three, four, five more owls had fluttered down beside it and were jockeying for position, treading in the butter and knocking over the salt as each one attempted to give him their letter first. I chuckle.

"What's going on?" Ron asks shocked. Hermione grabs a cylinder parcel from one owl and offers it to Harry.

"I think I know what this means--open this one first" she tells him. He does and it's a copy of the Quibbler. Harry's  own face grinning sheepishly at him from the front cover. In large red letters across this picture were the words:




"Good, isn't it?" Luna asks appearing behind us. "It came out yesterday, I asked Dad to send you a free copy. I expect all these, are letters from readers" she states gesturing to the owls.

"That's what I thought" Hermione says excitedly. "Harry, d'you mind if we--?" she asks. He tells her to help herself. We all start to open his letters.

"This one's from a bloke who thinks you're off your rocker" Ron states.

"This woman recommends you try a good course of Shock Spells at St. Mungo's" Hermione adds.

"This one looks OK, though. Hey she says she believes me!" Harry says happily.

"So does this guy and his wife" I tell him.

"This one's in two minds" Fred says as he joined us. "Having read your side of the story, I am forced to the conclusion that the Daily Prophet has treated you very unfairly . . . little though I want to think that He Who Must Not Be Named has returned, I am forced to accept that you are telling the truth . . . Oh, this is wonderful" he states.

"Another one who thinks you're barking" Ron mutters. "But this one says you've got her converted and she now thinks you're a real hero--she's put in a photograph, too--wow" he says and I roll my eyes. I grab another letter to open.

"What is going on here?" a falsely sweet voice asks. I groan silently. "Why have you got all these letters, Mr. Potter?'" she asks Harry.

"Is that a crime now? Getting mail?" Fred asks and I chuckle.

"Be careful, Mr Weasley or I shall have to put you in detention" she tells him. "Well, Mr Potter?" she asks.

"People have written to me because I gave an interview. About what happened to me last June" Harry tells her.

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