New Charges

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Riana's POV

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Riana's POV

It's been about a week since the start of the holidays. Things are going well so far. There have been many articles in the Daily Prophet about Voldemort's return. I'll be meeting the new part-vampires going to Hogwarts tonight. They are coming to my grandfather's shop at sunset for their first wands. I've watched my grandfather help others find their first wands. Repair others and even make a few. I can't wait to be bale to make my first ever wand.

Anyway, I am doing a stock in take when I hear the bell go. I turn to see "Neville, hey!" I say happily. Putting the clipboard down.

"Riana hi" he says with a smile.

"Aren't you going to introduce us Neville?" a woman wearing a stuffed vulture hat asks. She must be his grandmother.

"Gran, this is my friend Riana" he says. "Riana, my gran" he adds.

"Riana Ollivander" I say with a curtsy.

"What lovely manners" she says with a smile.

"Augusta, lovely to see you again" my grandfather says as he joins. "I see you've meet my grand-daughter / apprentice" he states.

"Such a well mannered young lady" she tells him.

"How may we help you today?" he asks.

"My grandson needs a new wand" she states.

"What happened to the one he was using?" he asks.

"It was broken, during the incident at the ministry" Neville says sheepishly.

"Well it's better that you have a wand that's chosen you, it'll work better for you" grandpa tells him. "Riana, why don't you help him find his wand?" he suggests.

"Me?" I ask shocked.

"I think you're ready" he states.

"I trust your judgement Riana" Neville adds.

"Ok, lets measure your wand arm" I tell Neville. He holds it out and I measure the muggle way. Because I'm not technically supposed to do magic outside school as I am only sixteen. "What was your father's wand?" I ask him curious.

"Red oak, phoenix feather core" he states. I nod my head and head over to the shelves. I pick out several wands for Neville to try and place them on the counter.

"Well give each a wave" I tell him.

"How will I know which chooses me?" he asks confused.

"Trust me, you'll know" I assure him. It took a few tries, but he eventually found the right wand. "Cherry and unicorn hair core" I tell him. "This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige" I explain.

"Whoa, are you sure it's the one?" he asks me.

"Yes" I say confidently.

"She is right" my grandpa agrees with me. Augusta paid for the wand and they left. "Well done Riana, you're first sale" he praises me. I smile and we both get back to work. Me minding the shop, while he won't out back to make a couple new wands. The rest of the day was uneventful.

My uncle arrived at sunset. "They'll be here shortly" he tells us as gather in the main shop. "Their uncle is bringing them" he states.

"Anyone I know?" I ask him.

"Lorcan" he answers. Just then there is a knock on the door. Grandpa invites them in and I recognize Lorcan d'Eath from the last New Years Ball.

"Lorcan, lovely to see you" I say.

"Riana, radiant as ever" he says with a smile. "My niece Raquelle and nephew Sean. You two, this is Lady Riana Sanguini" he says.

"A pleasure" Sean says bowing his head.

"You're beautiful" Raquelle tells me.

"Thank you, so are you" I tell her. "Lorcan, how is your beloved?" I ask him curious.

"Funny you should ask, she is pregnant" he states.

"Oh congratulations" I say smiling.

"We're both super excited" he states.

"Well lets get these two their wands" my uncle says.

"Right, we don't want to take to long" my grandpa states. "Riana, I'll look for one for Sean and you Raquelle" he tells me. As their arms are measured. I nod my head. Sean ends up with a rowan wand with dragon-heart string core. It took longer to find Raquelle's destined wand. She finds her match in an ash wand wit unicorn hair core.

"I'll meet you both on the train, compartment V" I tell Sean and Raquelle. "Do you have any questions about Hogwarts?" I ask them.

"Will we be in the same house?" Raquelle asks.

"Where do we go for blood?" Sean asks.

"Madame Pomfrey will supply blood bags for us. As she has done me since I started at Hogwarts. I'll also have a steady supply of blood pops if you need any" I tell them. "You maybe sorted into the same house, you may not be" I state.

"What's your house?" they asks.

"Gryffindor, but no matter what house you're in. I will be there to help you both, no matter what" I assure them.

"Come children, we must go" Lorcan tells them. He pays for the wands and they leave. Disappearing into the night.

"We must go also Riana" my uncle tells me.

"Right, I'll see you Monday" I tell my grandfather. I have the weekends off. Not that I'll be relaxing, I have to finish my homework and I've got my vampire studies to do. I'm also still studying wandlore and wand making.

"Have a good weekend Riana, don't study to hard" he tells me. I smile and hug him. Not knowing I may never see him again. I leave with my uncle and he apparates us home. We have dinner, then I get started on my homework before calling it a night.


Pictures above of the twins Sean and Raquelle. Picture in chapter of Riana now and picture on the external link of Neville's new wand.

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