Chapter: 24

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A spider sat on my bed directly below my pillow. The spider was brown, had what looked like a fuzzy body, and pinchers! I backed up quickly and accidentally hit my left hand off of my dresser.

"Ah~!" I yelled holding my hand.

"What's wrong?!!" Yesung quickly rushed into my room.

"Spider...." I said holding my hand.

"What's wrong with your hand?" he asked.

"I hit it off of my dresser, but I just need help with the spider." I said freaked out.

"It can't be that big of a spider...Where is it?"

"On my bed." I pointed to the bottom of my pillow.

Yesung walked a few steps closer to my bed, "How can spiders be that big?!" he gasped at the sight of the large spider.

"I don't know, but it scared the crap out of me." I said hiding behind him.

"Um~ just get me a shoe and paper towel."

"Okay." I said rushing out of my room.

I grabbed paper towels from the kitchen, a random shoe from the shoe area, then ran back to my room.

"Here." I handed them to Yesung who kept his attention on the large spider.

"Thanks..." he took the shoe and paper towels, "Is this my shoe?" he looked at me.

"Sorry, I just grabbed a random shoe."

"It's okay." he said moving closer to the spider on the bed.

The spider kept moving its legs slowly but still staying in the same spot. It looked like it was about to jump on Yesung and attack him from the way it sat on my bed. I don't know how, but Yesung got closer and closer to the spider without it moving. He touched it with the bottom of the shoe to make it move away from my pillows. Once it scattered away from my pillows, Yesung quickly grabbed the spider with the paper towels and crushed it. I moved away from him, as he held the dead spider in the paper towels.

"I swear I heard a crunch..." I shivered, "Thanks Yesung." I pulled off a smile.

"Any time." he pulled off a smile too and walked away with the spider corpse.

I sighed in relief, as I picked up the blanket at the bottom of my bed.

"I guess I have to change my bed sheets now." I frowned.

"Anything else?" Yesung asked walking back into my room.

"No, I'm good, thanks," I smiled, "Sorry if I scared you when I screamed. I just hate spiders."

"No, it's okay." he smiled, "Well, I'm going to bed now. Night."

"Night." I said once more, as he left my room shutting the door behind him.

I sighed, as I put my blanket on my dresser next to my phone and started stripping down my bed being careful where I touch the sheets.

"I hate spiders..." I pouted setting my sheets on the floor.

After I got my 2 pillow cases, comforter, and other beds sheets off of my bed, I grabbed them, along with my dirty clothes, and took them straight to the washer. I squatted down, opened the washer door, and shoved all of my clothes and bed sheets in it. I stood up and shut the door to the washer.

"Soap...Soap...Soap!" I said to myself, as I grabbed the soap off of the shelf above the washer and dryer.

I put the soap into the washer along with fabric softener, then turned the fancy sliver dial to colors.

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