Chapter: 21

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Author Message: okay i'm going to start making my chapters longer!! r u guys happy?! if u guys r good with litterary terms, can u pick out  foreshadowing in this chapter?! because there is a rlly big foreshadowing sentence. try looking for it and if you find it, tell me xD also, i put videos and a slide show on the side too so don't forget about those!! okay enjoy the story and tell me how you guys like it!! Annyeong~~

                                                         ~ Dani


"Y-Yesung oppa, can I have your autograph?!" she quickly looked for a pen and paper and handed them to Yesung.

He leaned on the counter quickly to sign his signature and handed it back to the girl, "Here you go."

"Thank you oppa!" she bowed, "Thank you Minae unni too."

"Goodbye." we said, as I grabbed my bag and walked with Yesung.

"You're quite popular." I smiled at Yesung, as we walked behind all of the guys.

"Yeah kind of." he laughed.

We went into the t-shirt shop and hair product store before finally getting everything we needed.

"Is that all we need?" Kyuhyun asked.

"I think so." Kangin smiled.

"Oh~ can we eat now?!" Ryeowook asked.

"Yeah, I'm still hungry!" I agreed.

"I'm kind of hungry too." Leeteuk said.

"Well, then it's settled!" Sungmin cheered, "If the leader is hungry we all are!"

"Where should we eat though?" Eunhyuk asked.

"The food count has different choices. Let's just go there." Shindong said.

"Okay! To the food court!" Sungmin grabbed mine and Ryeowook's hands, "Let's go!"

Sungmin ran with mine and Ryeowook's hand locked with his for about 20 seconds.

"Wait!" I stopped him quickly to look at a machine, "What's this?"

"That?" Ryeowook asked, "It's a fortune teller."

"Can we get our fortune told?" I looked at the thing in amazement.

"Did you ever see one before?" Sungmin asked.

I shook my head, "No."

"Well, it's only 100 won." Ryeowook said taking out his wallet.

He took out three coins and handed one to Sungmin and I, but kept the one for himself.

"Can I go first?" Sungmin asked.

"Go ahead." Ryeowook and I smiled.

Sungmin put the coin into the machine, as the rest of the members walked up to us.

"A fortune teller?" Siwon asked.

"Mhm~" Sungmin nodded.

"I see something in your future." the robot lady said putting her hands on a crystal ball behind the glass.

The ball lit up with a ding, as a card popped out of the front. Sungmin picked up the card and read it.

"You will be rewarded with something good soon enough." he read from the card.

"Yeah, food." Donghae laughed.

"I want to try now. It looks cool." Shindong said taking out a coin from his pocket.

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