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It took me forever to post this because I started classes again and I had to move into my new apartment soooo yeah. But I wrote this right after I finished writing Super Junior's Super Girl!


Okay so its 12:32 right now and I just finished writing the epilogue to Super Junior's Super Girl. I'm writing this right after because I just cried for a hot second. I just got emotional because I actually finished this story. It's weird to think that I finished this story.

I know many...okay ALL of you don't want this story to end, and trust me. Neither do i! I love writing this story, but after 6 years of writing it, it's time to end it because all good things must come to an end! Now that I have officially written the last word of the story, I feel like there is something missing. I honestly feel like I have a hole in my soul.

Normally, when I go to sleep, I dream of what I have plotted for the story. At first when I came up with the ending for the story, I was like okay I want them to have kids but then at the same time I was like how funny would it be if I killed her even though I promised them a long time ago that I never kill my main characters. AND I don't!!!! and I didn't want to do that because I think that is just wrong. But the ending seemed too perfect if she lived happily ever after, so I talked to my friend and I asked her which of the three endings I should do but then she gave me the idea to just do all three.

And I was like that is fuckin perfect! I was like they will love me because chapter 69 is adorable then the first ending is going to be shit so they will hate me then the 2nd ending is still shitty but better than the 1st one so they will be like wtf? But not hate me 100 percent then the last ending they will love me again because they will realize that they just read the best ending ever and that was a clever idea to do those endings. Lmfaoooo

But anyway back to me plotting before I go to sleep. So like I said, I will dream of what I want to happen in the story before I actually fall asleep. Idk what you call it but that's what I do. So night after night I will "dream" of the same thing. I say "dream" because like I said im not actually asleep yet. I kind of just have my eyes closed and im in the process of falling asleep. So here's how it normally goes. After I perfect a scene and I write it, I go back to the drawing board. I just think of things that I thought of recently like during the day that would be cute or cool to have in the story. So for example: when I was going back and forth between Donghae and Eunhyuk in the story, that was me in real life struggling to keep Eunhyuk as my bias. And in 2016, I actually had Donghae as my bias for a good month or so before I was like no. Eunhyuk. Donghae is still right below Eunhyuk though because, side note, at kcon omfg. Donghae in that silk shirt. Jesus. But Eunhyuk with that blue hair and omggggg.

So when I think of what I want in the story, I kind of go through trials of what I think should happen. The first night is kind of all like a blur because sometimes I'll spend a lot of night falling asleep just trying to perfect ideas, but after I get the idea, I think of the scene and have it play out in my head. So for the endings, I would dream of those over and over and over again until it was exactly how I wanted them and I have every single detail perfected. Dialogue isn't all set but some of it is from my dreams. Some of it is just in the moment of me writing too. I only think about the big events like the endings, when they went to the East Sea for their birthdays, when Minae got drunk and it was her mom's birthday, when Minae was in the hospital after she and Donghae got into the accident, when Eunhyuk confessed to her and she confessed to him, when she was in the hospital and they thought she was pregnant and the fight with Bok....all of it I spent so much time dreaming of it trying to perfect it so I could write it perfectly. That's why I would take so long to update too. I wanted everything to be perfect.

But recently I haven't been able to fall asleep because I have no more scenes to dream about and perfect. I'm trying to move on and do that with my other stories but it's so hard, since like I said, I feel like there is something missing since I'm not going to be writing this story anymore.

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