Chapter: 2

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A couple minutes later, my realtor showed up with the new apartment owner.

"Minae? What are you doing out here?" he asked.

"There is a crazy house keeper in there that speaks Chinese. She kicked me out before I could grab my other things." I explained.

"Well, let's try to get in there for your things, and so our new apartment owner can settle in. This is Ae Sook." he said looking over to the girl standing next to him.

"Annyeong. I'm Minae." I bowed slightly.

She bowed back, as the realtor, Bae, opened the door to the apartment. The house keeper moved everything around and my bags were gone.

"Oh come on!" I yelled, "I needed those bags!" I then felt a vibration in my pocket. I took out my phone and saw that it was 5 minutes before 4 o'clock.

"Aigoo! I have to go! Deal with her for me, Bae. Thanks!" I yelled fixing my bags and trailing my stuff down the stairs.

The last thing I wanted to do was deal with this lady, Bae, and the new girl on the day I'm moving into the Sharp Star City Apartments.

I dragged the large suitcase behind me with the two small suitcases clipped onto it. I had the duffel bag around shoulder along with the draw string bag on my back. I ran to the sidewalk a called for a Taxi. One of them stopped and popped the trunk for me. My stuff wouldn't fit so I unclipped the bags and set them next to the bigger suitcase along with the duffel bag. I shut the trunk and jumped into the cab with my draw string bag on my back.

"Where to miss?" the driver asked.

"Sharp Star City Apartments please."

Within 20 minutes of a car ride we arrived at the dorms. The taxi pulled in front of the Dorms where taxies where all over. I reached into my bag and pulled out 7,000 won to give to the driver. I got out of the car to get my stuff but someone was already holding my stuff.

"Thank you." I said to the man taking my stuff.

He guided me to the door and opened it for me.

"Thank you." I said again.

He nodded his head slightly as I walked through the door. I rolled my stuff up to the counter where multiple people where working. Only one person wasn't helping someone so I went up to her.

"Annyeong, I'm looking for Super Junior's apartment." I told her.

"Any fan mail you leave down here or in the room back there." She said not looking up from her computer.

"Um, sorry? I'm not here for fan mail. I'm the new member of Super Junior."

She quickly looked up at me, "Minae! I'm so sorry! Super Junior will be on the 11th floor of those building. You'll go on the elevator 3rd from the left," she said pointing to the elevators in the lobby, "And when you get out of the elevator you will go to the end of the hallway and it's the door on your right, the last door before the dead end."

"Thank you very much." I replied nicely.

"We don't have you in the system for a key, so you will have to do without one for a while if that's okay."

"Yeah, it's fine."

"I will send one of the workers up in a few days after he comes back from vacation to reprogram the door."

Reprogram the door?

"Ok, thank you again." I said bowing my head and heading across the large lobby.

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