Chapter: 13

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"CONDOM!!!!!!" he screamed running over to the trash can and throwing it out.

"Did Leeteuk find the condom?" Eunhyuk asked coming out of his room.

"Yup." Siwon and I stated.

"Where did that come from?!" Leeteuk gasped walking back into the living room.

"Sungmin and Kyuhyun got a package from their fans and there were like 30 condoms at the bottom." Donghae said sitting next to me on the couch.

"That's not right! It was pink and had Sungmin's face on the one side and Kyuhyun's on the other!!!....I'm never, no I'm just scarred!" Leeteuk said in a high pitched voice.

The four of us laughed as we saw our leader freak out. After about 5 more minutes we were ready to head to the 8th floor where Shinee lived with the delicious sweets. As I walked out the door, carrying the heavy cake with Ryeowook, Eunhyuk was the first one at the elevator. The last one, Yesung, shut the door and rushed to the elevator when it opened. We all fit in the large, dark colored elevator that was lit by two lights with a large mirror that covered the top part of the elevator in the back. After the elevator opened to the 8th floor with a ding we all stepped out and Donghae lead the way to Shinee's dorm down the hall.

"Shinee~!" Donghae said knocking on the door.

We all stood there for a couple of seconds until Minho opened the door.

"Hey! Super Junior." he smiled letting us come in.

"What's that?" he asked Eunhyuk, Ryeowook and I who were holding the sweets.

"A cake and my famous choco muffins!" Eunhyuk smiled showing him the muffins.

"Oh~ they look good!" Minho said wide-eyed.

Me and Ryeowook carefully walked into the dorm and set the cake on the counter in the dining room.

"Wow, this is so different compared to our dorm." I said looking around at the open space that was connected to the living room.

"Every apartment is different." Jonghyun said walking out from his room.

"So where's the others?" Leeteuk asked.

"We in here." Onew said coming out with Key behind him.

"And here's the birthday boy!" Key introduced him, motioning with his arms.

"Happy birthday Taemin!!!" some of us yelled to him.

"Thank you!" he smiled sweetly, "What's that?" he asked pointing to the sweets.

"Nothing for you to see." I smiled standing in front of them so he couldn't see.

"So, what are we having for dinner?" Kangin asked looking at the kitchen.

"Dinner? It's three o'clock." Jonghyun laughed.

"Well then late lunch, early dinner." he smiled.

"Oh, let's have jjajangmyun!" Taemin cheered.

"No! It's your birthday! Your have to have seaweed soup!" Ryeowook corrected.

"Oh yeah! That's always the highlight of my birthday...Seaweed soup!"

The Shinee members already prepared the seaweed soup, without Taemin, so we didn't have to wait to start eating. Minho, Kangin, and I set the table except for the bowls that Jonghyun and Donghae were filling up. The rest of the guys sat down and started talking to one another while the food was being set on the table.

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