Chapter: 49

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Thank you guys so much for reading and many of you have left some awesome comments. I love hearing your feedback, but recently, I've gotten some negative comments on my stories, and I delete them. I don't really proof read my chapters so there are mistakes, I know that. Thank you to those who leave positive comments that encourage me to keep writing! I promise I'll update soon! I said that before, I know, but I mean it! It's summer. And Ryeowook's birthday...And my birthday! Haha I love sharing a birthday with him...Thanks for reading! Sneak peek of chapter 50 at the end!


He let out a sort laugh, "Plenty of stars do it."

"Isn't that technically against our contract?" I asked.

"Nah, that was just when we were getting started but after a few years Hyung told us not to worry about it. I mean Sungmin is married."

"Oh, I almost forgot..." I laughed, "I mean I guess?"

I couldn't help but laugh and kept a smile on my face.

"What?" he asked me, "Crazy isn't it?"

"Its just weird to me since I haven't dated anyone in like 7 years."

"How do you think I feel?" he laughed, "Ever since I was a trainee I couldn't date!"

"What about UI?!" I stopped him.

"Yah! You know that was all media and they made up a lot!"

I shook my head with a smile, "I know. Okay, I'm going to bed for real now."

Standing up from his bed he grabbed my hand to stop me and I looked down at him, "Hm?"

He shook his head with a smile, "It's nothing."

I gave him another smile as he let go of my hand and said good night.

The next afternoon all the guys stayed in the dorm to relax since I was finally home and Jung Hoon gave us strict orders to literally sit around and do nothing. The morning was as usual as ever with Eunhyuk sitting to my left, my legs on him, me leaning my back against Siwon who was flipping through the TV channels, and Kangin next to him. Leeteuk was in the kitchen getting some drinks out of the fridge for us with Ryeowook was making some rice. Henry was doing his laundry, Yesung was playing with his biggest turtle in the living room and the rest or the members were sleeping still.

I closed my eyes head my head resting against the couch still tired from being up the night before. I yawned and wiped my eyes as there was a loud knock at the front door.

"Why aren't they using the doorbell?" I asked as I looked at Yesung who was getting up to open the door.

"The doorbell broke a few days ago. We called someone to come and fix it but we aren't sure when they will be coming," Leeteuk handed me a bottle of water and sat down on the floor in front of Eunhyuk after giving Siwon a bottle too.

Yesung walked back into the living room followed by Jung Hoon.

"I have some news!" he loudly clapped his hands together once.

"Well that woke me up more," Eunhyuk shook his head, "What's the news?"

"Okay, first, we are going to start recording for Magic next week after you all have time to relax," he paused while we cheered, "Donghae got cleared from the doctor already, so Minae, we are just waiting on you. Then the next piece of news is regarding the accident. They caught the guy..." Jung Hoon stopped.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Apparently, he is an anti-fan."

My eyebrows furrowed, "An anti-fan of Super Junior?"

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