Chapter: 39

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"Minae. Minae wake up," I heard a voice speak closely near me.

I pressed my face farther into my squishy pillow covered with the softest fabric I have ever felt. As I did, I let out a sign of exhaustion followed by a moan of annoyance.

"Anni. Go away oppa," I muffled through my pillow.

Feeling the annoyance thrown back at me with silence, I covered myself even more with the blanket that was exposing my shoulders. Soon after that small action, I felt a knee being placed on my bed as I laid on my stomach.

My eyes shot open with a snap of my head to the side as I knew what was about to happen, "DON'T YOU DARE. NOT AGAIN!"

Ignoring my demand, he laid himself across my back and squeezed the breath out of me while cracking my back at the same time.

"Why is this a surprise to you? When you don't get up I told you I would lay on you until you woke up."

"Well I'm up now~!" I barely cried, "I can't breathe!"

"Will you get up?"

"Neh!" I nodded.

He got up and stood next to my bed, as I turned to face him with a piercing stare.

"You know you have to get up," he started to continue but I cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah yeah. We need to go practice, do this, do that."

Curving the side of his mouth into a smile, I closed my eyes and felt him grab my hands pulling up into a sitting position. I hunched over and watched him start to walk towards the ajar door but stopped before pulling it open.

"Don't make me have to come back and lay on you again."

"You need to stop doing that. Why do you torture me in the mornings Leeteuk?"

"Someone needs to," he smiled flashing his teeth with dimples as he walked out and shut the door behind him.

For the past 3 years, I have been with them. All of these guys. I once dreamt of even seeing them in concert, yet here I am in my own room sharing a life with these hilarious members I now consider my family. After countless hours spent working on music and activities from shows to dance practices, we come to the present. Multiple albums with multiple performances and even hello and goodbyes. Henry and Zhou Mi have been in China for some time working on their own things since Suju-M haven't been too active. Leeteuk, Heechul, and Yesung have all completed their service for the army and recently, Shindong and Sungmin have left for their time. Sungmin being newly married had already left for his own house, so the adjustment wasn't too hard when he enlisted. What scares me the most is that Eunhyuk and Donghae will enlist in October. Although it's not permanent, I hate to see anyone leave the dorm and not return for 2 or more years. I can only sit back and watch as they come and go, but we continue without them. We now are preparing for our next music video: devil. The preparation for this new song has been crazy. Everyday we practice and shoot different scenes for a 4 minute video. It is weird without Sungmin and Shindong, but we still are what we have always been. Super Junior.

These 3 years outside of my group have been just mind blowing. Groups disbanding, people leaving, and even deaths. Kris and Luhan have been gone for so long I've lost track, Dongho from UKiss, Hanbyul from Led Apple, and many more changes. Groups lasting only a year before calling it quits makes me be grateful to be apart of Super Junior. Though it's been a short time for me compared to the other members, Super Junior has been one of the groups that has lasted for more than just a few years. I never want this lifestyle to end because without these guys, I have no clue what I would do.

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