Chapter: 47

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Let me know....Eunhyuk and Minae? or Donghae and Minae? Wait until the end of the chapter then let me know. 


"I'm so happy to see you guys!" I smiled and couldn't stop.

"I'm glad everything is okay. Everyone was worried about you both," Yesung looked at me then to Donghae as everyone sat down around the bed either in a chair or on the large couch on the right side of my bed while the nurse left the room after finishing my checkup.

Yesung handed the giraffe to me, and it was so big that I couldn't wrap my arms around it, "I love stuffed animals!" I squeaked, "Wait, what time is it?"

Before I could even reach for my phone, I heard a voice that I haven't heard in a while, "It's 11:23."

Everyone looked towards the open door, and there stood Henry looking at his watch with Zhou Mi behind him.

The guys all jumped up, and we all started yelling. We haven't seen Henry or Zhou Mi for a while since they were promoting in China, so this was a surprise to everyone.

"How did you get here?" Donghae asked as they walked over.

"Me," another voice spoke from the door, "I just picked them up from the airport," Jung Hoon also came over to join everyone.

I put the large giraffe behind me so that I was leaning on it, "How was China?"

Zhou Mi laughed, "It was good. How are you feeling? You seem optimistic."

"When is she not?" Ryeowook furrowed his brow and pointed towards me, "Two weeks ago I accidentally ran into her with a hot drink. It spilled all over her, but she asked if I was okay."

Leeteuk also added to Ryeowook's argument, "Last night, I told her that her phone was crushed in the accident. I thought she was going to worry about the phone, but she worried about pictures of us. She didn't want to lose those pictures of us."

"Yah, let's not forget all those times she barged into our rooms!" Kyuhyun pointed at me.

I dropped my jaw, "You do it too! Come on, you guys always sit on me!"

"Because you sit on us!" Kangin laughed, "The one day we were watching TV and you came over, took the remote, and sat on the four of us," he pointed to himself, Eunhyuk, Siwon, and Yesung.

"Ms. Kim?" A voice made us all look towards the door, "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt."

"It's okay, doctor," Jung Hoon stepped aside so Dr. Kang could come into the room.

The twelve guys arranged themselves so they could all see Dr. Kang as he came over to stand in front of the bed.

"Ms. Kim, I have some good news for you. Everything seems to be normal so far, and there is a possibility that you could be released tomorrow if the checkups later in the day go well."

Everyone's eyes grew wide including mine, "Really?"

"Yes, so you should start to walk around a bit as well if you can," he told me as the guys held in their excitement.

"That's perfect," Jung Hoon looked at me with a smile.

"I will check back with you tonight," the doctor bowed his head.

"Thank you!" everyone said while bowing to him.

Dr. Kang shut the door, and as soon as it was closed, we all cheered with excitement. We got quiet when a loud grumbling was heard. It was my stomach.

"Oh my god," Kyuhyun laughed.

"That was your stomach?" Zhou Mi questioned.

"Ha, it was," I held it, "Can we get some food?"

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