Chapter: 51

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"Yes," I told him as I stopped at a traffic light, "she talked about how she wanted a home there for her mom, but after that, she wanted to live there in the future. I could be completely wrong, but I think that's where she is going."

"If you are wrong?"

"Then she is driving to Mokpo since that's where she grew up, but I don't think she would drive all the way there," I said hoping that she actually wasn't driving all the way to Mokpo.

"Are you going to go to Donghae then? Do you want one of us to come with you?" Leeteuk asked me.

"I'm not that close to the dorm, so I think I will just go alone. You guys can just keep your eyes open too. We don't know for sure where she is yet."

"Alright. Drive safely," he sounded a bit troubled, "Call us if she is there."

"I will," I hung up the phone and navigated through the city before getting on road to take me to Donghae.

By the time I got to Donghae, it was already getting late. The sun was still out, but we've been looking for Minae since 12 in the afternoon, and it is already 5. I knew she was here in Donghae but I didn't know where she was exactly. I drove past the house we rented for her and Ryeowook's birthdays, but I knew she wouldn't be there. I drove along the long stretch of beach going down the coast, and come across a car that I thought was hers parking on the side of the road where the grass met the beach. I pulled up behind it to check the license plate.

It was her car.

I immediately texted Leeteuk that I found her car and will call when I find her.

Quickly getting out of my car, I jogged towards the barren beach calling out Minae's name. I looked up and down the beach, but still saw no one. I stood there thinking of what I should do. Should I walk to the right? Left? Stay here until I see her? Wait by the cars?

With a sigh, I looked both ways on the beach before heading right. A good hour passed of me walking along the beach and heading back in the opposite direction to look for her. The sun kept moving in the sky and sunset was going to happen in about an hour, so the sky started to show pinkish and light blues colors.

Taking out my phone I saw that my phone, unfortunately, was on 5 percent just waiting to shut off.

I looked up again to see only one person in the distance.

Maybe it's her?

"Minae!" I called cupping my hands around my mouth.

The person didn't even look in my direction and continued to walk in the opposite direction.

"That has to be her," I told myself quickly going to my contacts and calling Minae while keeping my eyes on the person in the distance.

I listened to the multiple rings while watching the person take something out of their pocket. When they did, the call ended right away.

That's her. She ended the phone call. I only heard 4 rings before it ended.

I called out her name again and this time they turned their head to look my direction. Even though I couldn't see their face, I knew she was looking at me.

My feet began to move without a second though and Minae started to walk again too which made me jog instead of walk. The jog turned into a run. I closed the gap between us enough to see that it was Minae, and she was still walking away.

"Minae, wait," I told her making her turn around to face me.

She was a good 50 feet away, but after she turned around, I could see she was sad.

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