Special Update...Again!

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Alright! I'm doing another special update. It's definitely not going to be as long as the last one, but oooooooooh boy will you guys love it...maybe half of you will 😏😏😏 (yes, that's a hint) 

If you want you can leave suggestions about what you want to see in this special update because I have noooo idea what to write...

I do have a little written so far so here's a sneak peak:

"Wake up my pretty princess," a whisper woke me up as arms wrapped around my waist.

I groaned and put my pillow over my head, "No."

"I know you're tired from last night, but we can't stay in bed all day," he pulled the pillow off of my head, "Come on beautiful wife, Minae, and my princess."

I smiled and turned to him as the light quickly blinded me.

"Should I pick you up like the dramas? I'll carry you to the kitchen dramatically like you're dying in my arms as we confess our love for each other one last time."

just a cute as snip-it.

So look out for the update soon!


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