Chapter: 62

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Alright, I was gonna update yesterday but it was late, so i decided to wait....Here's another update.... just to let you know. you better listen to the song i added the entire chapter^^^ it fits so well and thats what i had on repeat while writing this. i literally wrote like 15 pages in 2 days. omg. but more news at the end! Enjoy~~~ (lol i actually edited this chapter too. for once.)


"You saw her the day she died?!" I asked, "When? Was she okay?"

"Minae, you were told mom had a heart attack, right?"


"Why do you think our mom, a healthy women, suddenly had a heart attack while cooking?" he asked me.

It made me think, "I've questioned this before, but I thought maybe because there was something wrong...I don't know. I just trusted what the doctors said."

"Dad died of a heart attack too...but not because he was unhealthy."

Then it all clicked for me. Every little piece of the story clicked.

"Minae, Bok killed mom. He killed dad. And, he's tried to kill you. Multiple times now. Why do you think he attacked you only a little while after mom died? He was planning on how he would hurt you because he knew you meant the most to me. He waited for a good moment to attack when you were somewhat alone instead of surrounded by the guys."

My thoughts were swirling all around like a tornado fiercer than any ever recorded in history, "How and why did he kill mom?"

"I went to visit mom after I've been in contact with her for a bit, and she had the same reaction as you and saw me as a living ghost. I started to come visit her every once in a while, but I knew I couldn't stick around because Bok was never locked up for murder since no one could find him. But, when I went to visit mom that day in February, he showed up. Mom and I were talking fine, and I went to use the bathroom as she was making food for us, but while I was washing my hands, I heard some banging. I ran back into the kitchen to see Bok standing over mom taking a needle out of her neck. He killed her the same way he did dad. I wrestled with Bok for a few minutes before he got the best of me and escaped. I couldn't chase after him because mom was dying, so I had to call the cops. I couldn't stay either because I was supposed to be dead."

"So you just left her after calling the cops?" he gave him a dirty look.

"No. I wanted to stay by her side, but I couldn't. I stayed with her until I could hear sirens in the distance, then I left and went a few houses down. I put my hood up and watched as they took mom away in the ambulance. I was at her funeral, but I had to stay far away until everyone left the gravesite. That's when I got to see her after that."

"Okay, so why are you back now? Why didn't you come back before when he tried to kill me?"

"I did come back. I tracked him down and gave police clues on how to find him. I didn't want to visit you if I didn't have to because I know you were already having a hard enough time, and I'm back now because he's out of jail."

"He's out of jail?!" my eyes widened and I started to panic.

"And he's coming after you again. This time I don't think he plans to let you live."

"How did he get out of jail? He was convicted of murder and attempted murder and everything else," I listed.

"He escaped somehow, and as soon as I found out he did, I flew here and knocked on your door."

"How did you know where I lived?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Out of everything I've done in my life, that was one of the easiest things to do. I'm not saying anyone can find out where you live, it's just that this wouldn't be my first time having to track someone down."

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