Chapter: 42

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When you get to the music pat in the story i pictured this song playing in the background hahahahaha^^


Purposely, I tried to make Donghae fall off the wave runner. He kept laughing behind me.

"What's so funny?" I smiled talking back to him.

"I have a feeling you are purposely trying to get me thrown off," he laughed.

"Maybe I am."

He held on tighter to my life jacket, "I'll take you with me!"

I laughed and cut the handles hard to quickly turn the wave runner. In the blink of an eye, I felt Donghae tipping off the wave runner ,but he still held onto my jacket. He pulled me with him and flung me into the water after him leaving the wave runner without people. I was dunked under water and returned to the surface with a gasp for air.

"I told you!" Donghae smiled, "You were trying to get rid of me, and I dragged you with me!"

I laughed and playfully splashed him with water, "It's my birthday. I can do what I want."

"Yeah," he raised an eyebrow, "Then I get to too. Since it's your birthday you get things like birthday punches and dunking in pools."

Donghae swam over to me and dunked me under the water. I quickly waved my arms to let him know I couldn't breathe and he stopped after the first dunk.

I started coughing and sucking in air, "Why would you do that?"

"Minae, are you okay?" Donghae sounded worried.

I started coughing and immediately pushed him under water instead.

"You are such a faker!!" he came up from the water and started swimming towards the wave runner.

I followed behind him. He got up on the wave runner first, and I held out my hand for him to help me up. He grabbed my hand, and when I had one foot on the wave runner, he let go of my hand and shoved me into the water.

I came up with the straightest face ever and glared at Donghae which didn't last long because he was laughing at me, and I couldn't help but smile.

We returned to the house around 5 o'clock with exhaustion taking over all of us. The sun was hot and wore us all out while at the beach, but it was completely worth it. I sat in the front of the car while returning to the house and watched the sea pass by like a never ending picture.

"Man that was fun," Heechul sighed slouching down in the back seat just as we arrived to the house.

"Never expected that," I looked back to Leeteuk who was sitting in the backseat.

"Then you won't expect this," he looked passed me and pointed to something.

I looked to where she was pointing and my jaw dropped in an instant. There sat in front of the house: shiny blue Corvette.

"Wh...wh..." I tried speaking but nothing would come out of my mouth as the car pulled up right next to it and stopped.

I got out right away and hurried to look at the interior, "We knew you wanted to get a sport's car of your own soon, so we decided to let you see what this one is like," Siwon smiled.

I bit my lip and smiled barely holding back my excitement, "Can I drive it?"

I held my breath waiting for the answer, "Yes! Why wouldn't you be able to?" Kangin laughed.

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