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[Hi, before you start reading, just wanted to let you know, I don't own any of the pictures or gifs or links ( if used ) in the entire story. Credits to the rightful owner.
And this is a fan fiction. It has nothing to do with the real world. Do not compare it with the actual people.
Hope you guys enjoy. Leave a vote if you did.]



It was almost midnight.

Hoseok was standing at the bus stop. He was returning home from his night classes.

He worked at a café all morning and afternoon and practiced his dance in the evening.

The night classes were something his father made him take because he wanted his son to get a decent job and earn money. They were not very well off so Hoseok had to work part time.

But he was not very interested in studying. He wanted to dance full time. But his father never allowed him. He had plans to save up enough money from his part-time job and move to Seoul to join dance groups and audition for companies.

He stood at the bus stop waiting for his usual bus when he saw a couple of guys walking towards the bus stop, towards him.

They looked like they were drunk and just fooling around. As they got closer to him, he started panicking.

All of his childhood nightmares that he had kept hidden inside him started coming back to him.

He started taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Just as he was about to move away from there, he saw one of the guys walk upto him with a smirk on his face.

"Hey beautiful, care to join me for a drink?"

"No, thank you."

Hoseok started moving away from the guy when he was cornered by the other guys from behind.

There was no escape.


One of the boys came closer to make a move on him and the next thing he knew his knee had connected itself with the guy's sensitive area and he saw him fall on the ground, writhing in pain.

He was surprised at his actions but also realised that this was his only chance to escape.

So before the other guys realised, he made a run for it.

He started running fast and he could hear them behind him, chasing him. He ran as fast as his legs took him.

He soon came across a bar-cum-club and decided to enter it without giving it a second thought.

The club had dim lights and loud music blaring. Hoseok tried to find an escape but by then those guys had already followed him inside and searching for him.

He again starting panicking and started walking backwards in an attempt to get away from them.

One of the guys noticed him and started walking towards him.

"Now there's no way you can escape"

Hoseok desperately searched for an escape when he crashed into someone and they both fell down.

"Hey watch it. Can't you see where you are walking?"

Hoseok quickly got up and stared at the man he had crashed into.

"I am so sorry, I really wasn't watching."

Hoseok kept looking behind to check if the guy was still approaching him.

"Excuse me, can you help me with something?"

The man looked at Hoseok and then behind him and immediately understood the situation.

He got up, grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards him. The guy from the stop came running with an intention of fighting but the man stood between him and Hoseok and gave a chilly smirk.

"It'd be better if you stay where you are right now. For my anger and my ego ofcourse."
He smirked.

"Hey man, I don't want any trouble. Just give me the guy behind you and I'll b gone."

"You see, i can't really do that. I really hate bullies. So just get lost while it's okay."

The guy was not ready to leave. Now Hoseok started to get scared and was about to run when he felt a soft arm on his wrist and he realised it was the man standing in front of him.

He stayed glued to his spot.

The bus stop guy was losing his patience and he lunged forward to attack the man in front of Hoseok.

He dodged the attack and instead punched him hard in the face. The guy fell down, holding his nose which was now bleeding a lot. He was about to get back up to attack again when the man pulled out a gun from his back and pointed it at the guy.

Hoseok froze at the scene.
*He has a gun!! Who is he?*

The guy whimpered in pain and ran away at the sight of the gun. He turned around and gave Hoseok a soft smile.

"Are you okay?"

Hoseok was still processing everything and was in a daze when he saw a hand being waved in front of him.

He snapped out of it and saw the man smiling at him.

"Huh?? Yeah yeah, I am fine. Thank you."

"Good. You are safe now."

Hoseok finally looked up at the man in front of him. He was really beautiful. He had black hair and pale skin and had black orbs for eyes. Hoseok kept staring at him until he heard a throat clearing.

"Are you going to keep doing that all night?"
He chuckled.

"I am Yoongi by the way. I thought I saved your life, you should atleast know my name."
He laughed at his own joke.

*Ahh his laugh his beautiful...wait what?? Noo....*

"Oh, sorry. I am Hoseok."

As Hoseok was about to say something further, his phone rang loudly.

"Excuse me.."

He went to a side and picked up the call. It was his dad.

"Hoseok, when are you going to come home? Did you again stay back because of your stupid dance practice? I have told you so many times to leave it, but you won't listen. Dance is not going to feed you in the future...."

His father just went on and on and Hoseok kept listening and then finally cut the call.

"Sorry about that."

"Wow, your father looked pretty pissed."

" did you...?"

"I just know things." Yoongi smiled.

Hoseok blushed a little at his smile but composed himself and checked the time.
"Um, i am sorry but I have to get going."


Before Yoongi could protest anything, Hoseok was out of the club and already gone...

*Ahh..I will find you Hoseok...*


Hey guys,
This is my first time writing a SOPE. So do leave comments about how you feel about and what you think.

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