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Namjoon POV-

We were sitting in Jin hyung's office when his phone rang.

Thinking that it was probably a work call and that he needed privacy, I got up with the book I was reading and went and sat by the window.

I got so absorbed in the book that it took me a little bit of time to realize that Jin hyung was shouting in his phone now.

I looked over at him, surprised and confused at the same time.

*Hyung is never this upset over anything. Not even Min Yoongi..*

I decided to approach him and see what's wrong when I heard a loud crash. I hurried towards him and saw that he had thrown his phone in the wall.

"Hyung!! What's wrong??"

Jin hyung looked up at me, his eyes red with anger and breathing heavier than normal.

"Harry just called me. He saw Tae with Min Jungkook. They both were at a cafe, eating and laughing.."

"Um okay. They might be friends.."

"Namjoon, are you even listening to yourself? They can't be friends!"

"Why not, hyung? How long are you going to control our lives? Tae is still a baby. Our baby. You are going to teach him hate? Is that what it has come down to now?"

I was starting to lose my patience. I started walking away when I heard hyung call out to me.

"I don't control your lives! This is what you are born into. And you think its easy?"

"You are making it hard, hyung.."

"Really? Do you even know the whole story?"

"What story hyung? About how you hate Yoongi and his family and how you hate that he's in competition with you and how its a matter of your pride and ego..?"

When I turned back to look at him, I expected him to be fuming and angry. But instead, I saw hurt and sadness in Jin hyung's eyes.

He was no longer the tough mafia boss who controlled almost half of Korea.

Right now, he was just, Jin hyung. The brother who I grew up with and who raised us and protected us when Mom and Dad died.

It had been a long time since I had seen him this way. I was surprised. When he spoke again, he choked on his tears.

"You think I am that petty? Is that what you and Taehyung think about me?"

I was stunned. I saw him walk away from his desk and out the door but he stopped at the entrance and turned around and that was the first time I saw how tired he was.

"You know nothing.."


Jungkook POV-

We were sitting in one of my favourite cafes, sipping coffee.

Our breakfast was yet to be served and I suddenly felt a hand on my inner thigh.

I was surprised and looked over at Taehyung, who was giving me a smirk.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

Taehyung's face suddenly changed and he put on his best innocent face and looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, your hand.."

"My hand? Its right here, holding a coffee cup."

He lifted the coffee cup to show me, trying very hard to supress a grin at the same time.

I rolled my eyes at him and felt his hand slid further up. I gulped hard and tried to control myself.

He came closer to me and whispered in his deep voice,

"The more you roll your eyes at me, the more it'll go up.."

He sat back and gave me a raised eyebrows look, questioning me if I understood. I gulped again and nodded.

*Such a fucking tease..wait till we get back home...*

Before I could say more, I heard a camera click.

I looked over at Teahyung again, only to realize he had heard the click too.

We started looking around us and I saw a man, in black, sitting a few tables away from us.  I moved closer to Tae and whispered in his ears,

"There's a man, a few tables away from us. He looks like he's one of us and I think he's reporting to someone.."

Taehyung turned around, subtly watching the man and a gasp left his mouth.

"That's Harry.."

He whispered.

"Who's Harry?"

"Seokjin hyung's most trusted spy.."

Teahyung turned around to face me with an alarming look on his face.

"Hyung knows.."

I was stunned. I started panicking and immediately called Yoongi hyung and he picked up on the second ring.

"Hyung, it's Seokjin. I think he knows about us. We just caught his man trying to spy on us and now I don't know what to do...what should I do hyung..?!

He answered from the other side and I hung up, immediately grabbing Tae's hand.

He looked at me with a surprised look as I pulled him towards the door.

"We have to get back to the mansion right now..that is the only safe place for us, right now...


I have mixed feelings about this chapter..🤔
But anyway, what do you guys think of the story so far??😂🙈

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