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Hoseok reached the club and stood outside, staring at the entrance and hesitating whether he should go in or not.

He sighed and walked towards the entrance when he collided into someone.

"I am so sorry.."

"Hoseok hyung?"

Hoseok looked up at his name being called and saw that it was Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ssi..I am sorry, I really didn't see you there."

Hoseok got up and came face to face with Jungkook.
"Ahh, its okay hyung. I guess you are really nervous."

Hoseok looked at him with surprise and gave him a nervous chuckle.

"It's that obvious, huh?"

Jungkook looked at him with a smile and nodded.

He came closer to Hoseok and patted his shoulder and was about to walk away when he suddenly turned around and called out to Hoseok.

"By the way, hyung..just so you know, my brother has never really been this whipped for anybody else before. So before you really decide to give up on him, please try to understand his side too."

Hoseok looked at Jungkook with tired eyes and nodded.

"That's why I am here, aren't I?"

Hoseok walked in and looked around.

The club was the same with its loud music and lightings but this time he was here willingly.

He started walking towards the bar to ask for Yoongi when suddenly someone held his wrist and pulled him back.

He was jerked back and he crashed into a hard chest.
He looked up and saw that it was Yoongi.

*Ahh..i missed him...wait what??*

He sighed and created a little distance between them.

"You came.."

"Yeah, well, I told you I am curious and plus it wouldn't be fair to not give you a chance to explain things."

Yoongi chuckled and started pulling Hoseok with him towards a door.

"Where are we going?"

"Come on, I want to show you a place and plus we have to get away from all this noise."

Yoongi opened the door and led him through a stairwell and they came in front of another door.

Yoongi opened it and they were outside and there was darkness around them.

Hoseok looked around and it looked like a rooftop.

"You are not going to secretly kill me here, are you?"

Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at Hoseok's question.
"Hmm..I don't know.. I'll think about it.." Yoongi said amusingly.

He walked towards a switch board and turned on the switches.

A string of mini lights lit up and there was a small bench among those lights. There was also a small table in front of it. It looked like a porch bench. It looked intimate and pretty with a very aesthetic touch.

Hoseok gasped. He looked over and saw Yoongi already staring at him.

"Its beautiful.."

"Yeah, it is.."

Yoongi said, still staring at Hoseok.

Hoseok cleared his throat and stood there awkwardly.

"So, why are we here??"

"You said you wanted to talk and know about things so I brought you here and I also wanted you to see this place."

They both sat down and Hoseok looked around.

"You made this place?"
"Well I tried to. I like aesthetic things."

Hoseok nodded and looked at Yoongi.

"So, start talking.."

Yoongi nodded and sighed.

"Well, by now you know I am a gang leader. Well I am not just any gang leader. There are only two most influential mafia families in this country, the Min gang and the Kim gang and their leader you saw that day, who shot me, Kim Seokjin. And I am Min Yoongi. We are basically sworn enemies since the time our grandparents were in charge of our world. There are smaller families too but we both are the most influential, not just inside Korea but outside too. I am also a CEO but those companies are just a front for the actual businesses behind."

"You mean like drugs and smuggling?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean.."

Yoongi saw Hoseok's facial expression change.

He shrugged. He didn't look afraid. Just curious.

But his expressions suddenly changed as if something important came to his mind.

"Yoongi, have you ever killed people??"

Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes.

Hoseok saw that his face was covered with guilt.

"Yes, I have.."

Hoseok didn't react anything as if he was expecting it.

He got up and started walking towards the door but turned around once again, to face Yoongi.

"My mother was killed by one of yours. And I watched it happen. My father hates me for it. He blames me for her death. So no, I don't trust you. Not even a little bit. But I also can't deny what I want and feel. I want you, Min Yoongi. But I need some time."

"Will you wait for me?"

Yoongi looked up, surprised by Hoseok's question.

When Hoseok got up from his seat, Yoongi thought he had lost Hoseok for good. But his question surprised him.


Hey guys,
I really do hope he waits for Hoseok..😭
What do you guys think?
Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote..

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