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When Hoseok entered the dinner venue, all eyes were on him.

He was used to it by now.

When he first debuted just after six months into his training, everybody was surprised. He had no prior knowledge about any dance form. He only had his skills and himself.

There were a lot of people who told him how lucky he is to have come this far. But he very well knew it had nothing to do with luck.

Only he knew what he had given up to stand where he is today.

He chuckled at the attention and took his seat. Several people greeted him on his way and he just nodded and smiled.

Halfway through dinner, he was starting to lose focus and got tired of talking and greeting hundereds of people.

He excused himself and went to the rooftop, with a drink in his hand. He stood by the railing, watching over the city, lit up with millions of lights.

It reminded him of home and he smiled to himself.

"I didn't expect to find the guest of honour on a rooftop, alone, with a drink.."

He was startled by the noise and he turned around to see who it was.

He was more stunned to see the owner of the voice. There was Seokjin. Standing right in front of him. With a smile on his face.

"How've you been, Hoseok-ahh?"

Hoseok couldn't find his voice.

Instead he stared at him, tears starting to form in his eyes. He walked a little closer to Seokjin, with an intention of hugging him but stopped himself midway thinking it'd be inappropriate.

Seokjin closed the distance between them and pulled him in for a hug.

"I thought you hated me.."

"I never hated you. I just didn't like you either.."

Hoseok chuckled at his response.

"What changed then?"

"I saw Min Yoongi fall in love with you.."

Hoseok looked down at the ground, unable to respond. Seokjin sighed and walked over towards the railing, admiring the view.

Hoseok soon joined him and nobody said anything. Hoseok realized, for the first time, in five years, he was at complete peace.

He had no future worries, no past guilt and no present obligations.

Finally Seokjin broke the silence and turned towards him.

"So, why are you here and not down, with people? You are good with people. I have seen that.."

Hoseok was stunned. He turned towards Seokjin with shock in his eyes.

"How do you know that?"

"I've watched all your interviews Hoseok, and even though you pretend, I know you have people skills.."

Hoseok nodded and went back to admiring the view in front of him.

"I think I just finally needed a break. From everything. So here I am, alone, with my drink.."

He chuckled and lifted his glass. Seokjin smiled at his drink.

"A whiskey neat, huh? Still can't get over his drink?"

"Nope. Because nothing else satisfies me.."

Seokjin smiled and nodded.

"Why are you here, Seokjin?"

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