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When Hoseok and Yoongi reached the mansion, Yoongi stopped Hoseok before he could walk through the door.

Hoseok gave him a confused expression.

"I just want to warn you. A lot of things changed in the last five years. Including me and the people inside the house. So brace yourself.."

Hoseok realized what Yoongi was talking about and he gave a nervous chuckle.

"I, umm, I already know everything."

"Wait, what? How?"

"After meeting with the attorney, I was desperate to meet you. So I just came, unannounced here, last night. Jungkook opened the door and well rest is history. Everybody was here. I waited for you to come but then Jimin said something that made me think where you were."

"What did he say?"

"He told me you took Ji-hoon and Areum to our place.."

Yoongi sighed and nodded.

"So everybody knows this?"

He pointed between the two of them and Hoseok chuckled at his expression. He nodded with a smirk on his face.

Yoongi face palmed himself and they both walked inside.

"Ahh, they are going to tease me a lot about this.."

Before Hoseok could answer, they heard a voice, shouting Yoongi's name.

Yoongi immediately ran behind Hoseok and pushed him ahead. Hoseok sighed.

"That's Jin, isn't it? What is he mad for now?"

"I don't know."

They both saw Seokjin, stomping over towards them, angrily.

"Yaahh, Min Yoongi. Do you know the time? Is this the time to come home?"

Yoongi looked embarrassed and didn't say a word. Hoseok looked between Yoongi and Jin and started laughing at the situation.

Yoongi managed to muster up some courage and answered back, softly.

"This is literally my house.."

That seemed to piss Jin more.

"So? Don't you know you have people here? Who are worried about you? Who care for you? What kind of behaviour is this?"

"Hyung, I was just out. Relax.."

"No. Not relax. You better change your behaviour.."

Hoseok started laughing more on the sidelines. Jin turned his attention towards him.

"And what are you laughing for? He was out because of you.."

"Wait..what? Jin--"

"It's hyung for you.."

With that, he walked away, inside, leaving a flustered Yoongi and a shook Hoseok by the door. Hoseok turned his attention towards Yoongi.

"Did we just get scolded??"

"Yeah, I think so.."

Hoseok recovered from his shock and started laughing again. Yoongi gave him a bored look.

"What are you laughing for?"

"You, Min Yoongi, a mafia leader, who's feared by almost everyone in this world, just got scolded by Jin hyung for staying out the night??"

"Yahh, it's not that funny. He's just worried.."

"Yeah sure.."

Hoseok was still laughing and his laugh just got louder looking at Yoongi's bored expression.

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