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Five years later:-

Hoseok POV-

I was getting ready for the interview which was scheduled in a few hours when I saw Yuna walk in.

I was giving myself some last few touches. Yuna sat beside me with her pad and my coffee.

"So after this interview, you have the Annual Entrepreneurship dinner tonight which you have to make an appearance at.."

I sighed.

"Why exactly am I invited to this, again? It's not like I am an entrepreneur nor do I own any business. Yet."

"You've been invited because of your active participation in investments and donations for people in need.
They need you for goodwill."

"Wow, I do not feel used at all.."

I gave a sarcastic reply and got up and started get ready for the interview.

"There will be a lot of business men there. It's a good opportunity to find investors for Hope Corp."

I turned around to look at her and sighed.

"Yeah but Hope Corp. is still just an idea which I pitched to the seniors at YG. Even they haven't said anything about it yet.."

I saw her purse her lips in amusement and I instantly realized she was hiding something.

"What are you hiding, Yuna?"

"I am not supposed to say anything.."

I raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to tell me, knowing full well she won't be able to resist it. She finally gave up and sighed.

"Fine. So, the other day, all the secretaries of all the artists had a meeting with the seniors because they needed a report on how everything was going with you all. The meeting got over and I was asked to stay behind. They asked me if you still have plans about Hope Corp. I told them yes but I also cleared it to them that you were looking for an independent firm. So they've decided to invest and you will still have your independence.."

I was stunned after hearing this.

My eyes widened and Yuna chuckled at my expression.

"Yahh, why are you so surprised? It's a good idea.."

"But why haven't they said anything about this to me yet?"

"They are waiting for you to find your own outside investors. Once they see that you are capable of it, they'll co-operate.."

I nodded, understanding the situation.

"Wow, this is huge.."

"Yeah. Finally your dream to establish your own agency will come through.."

"Not yet. I still have a lot of work left for it.."

"Hoseok, I've known you for five years now. If anybody can do it, it's you.."

I smiled and tried to hide my excitement when I suddenly realized the ring on my right hand was missing.

I looked around, thinking I took it off randomly and forgot about it. When I didn't find it immediately, I started panicking.

"What's wrong?"

Yuna was looking at me with a weird expression now.

"I can't find my ring.."

"Your ring?"

"Yes, the one I wear, on my right hand.."

Yuna's eyes widened.

"Wait, the one HE gave you?"

"Yes, yes. The exact same one. Oh my god, I can't find it. Where the hell is my damn ring? I can't lose it. It's more important than my life.."

I shouted and was almost near to tears.

"Relax, we'll find it. It might be here somewhere.."

"It's not here. I looked for it everywhere.."

I saw Yuna walk away and enter the bathroom. She came back out with a fed up expression and something in her hand.

It was my ring.

I sighed in relief. She handed me the ring. I never felt this much relief in my entire life.

"How do you always forget?"

I gave her a nervous chuckle and put it back on. I stared at it for a couple of minutes. Yuna saw me lost in my thoughts and sighed.

"Have you really not heard from him since the day you left?"

I looked up and shook my head, giving her a sad smile.

"But it's okay. It's a good thing I haven't heard from him. If I had then that would mean he still remembers me. Now I know he doesn't. He never listened to me when I was there. I am glad he atleast listened to me about this.."

"But you miss him.."

"How could I not? He's the love of my life.."


Seokjin POV-

I walked into Yoongi's office only to see him working instead of getting ready.

"Yahh, why aren't you ready yet? Our flight leaves in an hour?"

He looked up from his work and gave me a tired and bored look.

"Why are we travelling for 4 hours just for a stupid dinner?"

"It's not a normal dinner. They invited us because we are business men. And plus there are a lot of opportunities for expansion too. A lot of them want to make easy money."

"Hyung, we've been expanding for the last five years and now we cover almost all of Korea and lot of foreign places too. You want to do more?"

"Is there any harm in that?"

"Why can't we do it the old fashioned way? Kidnap and persuade?"

I facepalmed myself and sighed.

"Yahh, Yoongi-ahh, which century you living in? That's not how things work.."

I saw him sigh and lay down on his desk. I walked over and took a seat opposite him.

"Are you afraid you'll run into HIM?"

He looked up at me withe wide eyes but didn't say anything. I rubbed my temples and moved closer to him.

"Look, it's been five years, Yoongi. You can't keep hiding forever. It's okay to fall down but only if you know how to get up. Namjoon, Tae and Jungkook have been doing a lot so that you don't have to get involved. They love you but you can't expect them to keep doing this for you just because you are not capable enough to lift yourself up.."

Yoongi huffed and got up.

"Yahh, why do you have to be so tough all the time? And I am not afraid of bumping into him.."

I chuckled at his lie and looked at him with a smile.

"Who you trying to fool?"

"No, seriously. I am not. I never told this to anyone. But a few months after he left, I went after him..."

I was stunned after listening to his words.


"Yaah, relax.."

"Relax? How can I relax? He left you and you went after him?"

"Will you listen to the whole thing?"

I waited for him to continue.

"A few months later, I went after him. But I didn't know which agency had taken him in. So I didn't know where to start. So instead, I went to a random bar because I desperately needed a drink. And there I saw him."

"Kissing a guy.."

I really wonder why the mess keeps adding up..🙂😭😭😭😭

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