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Jimin's eyes lit up at Yoongi's statement.

"Yes, yes..I will. Anything."

Yoongi sighed. He looked over at Jimin and Jungkook, both waiting for him to tell them the plan.

"So, Jimin and I will go to Seokjin's place and try to negotiate with him and in the meantime, Jungkook, use each and everyone one of our men and Jimin's to go and hunt down Jimin's mom and bring her back here.

"Also go to Katie's place and bring her and the boy here. They'll be safe here."

"But hyung, you are still injured..I don't think it'll be safe for you to go there just like that.."

Jimin interrupted the conversation.

"Don't worry, Jungkookie, I'll be there with him too.."

"Yahh, you don't risk your life, have a son to look after and raise. You better not leave him an orphan. My nephew won't grow up without a father."

Jimin looked up at Yoongi and gave an embarassed smile.

"Yes hyung.."

"Also, Jungkook, just use our men, you don't accompany them.."

"But hyung, I am not just going to sit here--"
Yoongi cut him off with glare.

"Yes I know. I have another job for you. When all our men are busy searching for his mother, Seokjin's men will instantly know, something is wrong. They'll be distracted. In that time, you will go to all the smaller families and assure them nothing is wrong and that our deals are still on. Also make sure they don't believe in any rumours or false news."

Jungkook and Jimin looked at Yoongi with surprise in their eyes and nodded.

"Do you think it'll work hyung??"

"Yes, it will. If I know anything about this family, its their ego and pride. He believes nobody has the guts to cross him and that's where he'll make his first mistake."

Both of them nodded and Yoongi gestured Jimin that it was time to go. But before they could go, he stopped Jungkook and whispered in his ear.

"Can you do one more thing for me?"

"Sure hyung, anything.."

"Can you keep an eye on Hoseok?? And see what he's up to? I am really worried and I know it's his choice..but please?"

Jungkook smiled at him and nodded.

"Don't worry, hyung, I'll keep an eye on him.."

With that, they all walked out and went their respective ways.

At Seokjin's house-
"So, you are telling me you are actually giving in and are deciding to back off?"

Seokjin looked at Yoongi suspiciously, making it fully clear that he didn't believe him.

Yoongi sighed and put on his best innocent face and looked at Seokjin.

"What do you want me to say, huh? First you took his mother, then threatened his life and now you are threatening to expose his son? How heartless can you be?"

Seokjin smirked at Yoongi.

"You know I'd do anything to pull you down, right? Even if it meant being heartless. And you know what they say, everything's fair in love and war and this is a war, Yoongi.."

Yoongi glared at him. Before he could say anything, his phone rang. He took it out to check the caller and did a double take at his phone screen.

It was Hoseok.

*What happened?? Is he okay?? Oh my god, should I pick up the phone? But if I don't, he might think I don't care..but if I do, he might think I have nothing to do and I have just spent time thinking and wondering about him..which I did but he doesn't have to know that..*

After a lot of internal debate, he excused himself and went to a side to pick up the call.


"Oh hey, it's me, Hoseok.."

"Hi, is everything okay?"

" don't really know how to ask this..but um can I come and stay with you..??"

Yoongi was stunned. He didn't know what to respond so he instead he just nodded in the phone.


*Ohh okay, right..he can't see my nod through the phone (*facepalm*)*

"Oh, yes, yeah, you can come and stay with me.. that's not a problem."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes.. absolutely.. I'll um..text you the address.."


With that, Yoongi hung up the phone and stared at the blank screen for a good five minutes before Jimin came behind him and tapped on his shoulder.

"Hyung? You okay?"

Yoongi turned around and nodded and they walked back to Seokjin.

Jungkook's POV-
After all my work, I found him easily sitting in a park after I tracked his phone for his location.

*Nice way to invade your possible brother-in-law's privacy, Jungkook....wait.. brother-in-law??
What's happening to you, Jungkook?*

I shrugged off the last thought and saw Hoseok hyung from a distance. I could see that something was troubling him.

But I resisted walking over to him amd comforting him.

*Hyung told me to keep a watch..*

I saw him take his phone out and call somebody.

*I hope that's Yoongi hyung..*

After a while, he hung up and got up from the bench and he had a bag with him. I was confused.

I saw him walk out of the park and towards a bus stop.

*Should I follow him?*

But before I could make a decision, I saw a black car with tinted windows right across the street, only a few meters away from where I was parked.

It looked shady. I instantly knew something was wrong. The number plate was easily visible, so I copied it and sent it for tracking.

The results came back within minutes and I wasn't a least bit surprised. There were Seokjin's men.

*But how did he even know about Hoseok hyung? He only saw him once and that too without any information...*

That's when he realized they had underestimated Seokjin a lot..

I feel like the term 'brother-in-law' is a bit much..but I am sorry..I couldn't help it..!!

Stay happy💜

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