10 3 6

Yoongi and Namjoon entered from the backyard and got inside the courtyard pretty easily.

"For someone who has so much, he really is absent minded. Who leaves the backside and the courtyard portion unguarded?"

Yoongi looked around and realized that it was true. The courtyard was literally empty.

"Yeah, exactly.."

They both looked at each with wide eyes because of the united agreement but shook it off quickly and tiptoed inside.

They came by a door made of translucent glass and it was slighlty ajar.

Yoongi tried to peek in and he gasped. Namjoon came and took a look too and face-palmed himself.

"So now we know why this part is unguarded. The place is filled with guards. How will we ever get past them without taking them down?"

Yoongi looked around and found a another door and walked towards it. He slowly opened it and it was dark inside.

Namjoon came beside him and peeked in.

"This looks like a broom closet or something.."

"How do you know that?"

"See those extent of the floor tiles? They are white so they can be easily seen and they end right about there.."

He pointed a little further away from the door. Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes.

"What? It's not that hard an observation.."
Yoongi got in and pulled Namjoon with him and closed the door.

"Yahh, what are we doing? Why are we here?"

"Don't move or make any sound. I have a plan to make those men go away in a minute. And then we sneak in. The security room is on the ground floor itself. So it won't be hard for us to find.."

"But how are you planning to make them all go away?"

"Just wait and watch.."

Yoongi took out his phone and called Jungkook. He answered at the second ring itself.

"Jungkook, listen to me..I want you to do something. But first tell me, is there any safe place that you can hide where they won't find you at all till I call you back again?"

Jungkook answered something and Yoongi nodded in triumph.

"Okay, so now go somewhere around in the front and shoot your gun. Just one shot. But without silencer."

He heard Jungkook exclaim from the other side but Yoongi assured him that it'll be okay.

He sounded unsure but still affirmed it. Yoongi hung up and looked at Namjoon only to see him stare back at him with wide eyes and mouth open.

"What did you just do??!!"


"You just told him to fire--?! What the fuck? Now they'll be all over the place, scattered..and on high alert.."



"They'll be on high alert for people with guns and who'll be in groups and will go on the offense. That means they'll be on high alert outside, not inside..
"But--? How do you know they won't come from this side??"

"Because, if you observed, this place is completely unguarded. That means they are good with offense and not defense. That's why I told Jungkook to go somewhere in the front and shoot. They are expecting that and that's what will happen. And in that mean time, we slip inside which is completely unexpected. If there's one thing I've learnt in this world, people are predictable. Including your brother. They always do the expected. The stereotype is so deep rooted, that it's almost become a second nature. That's the only reason I fell in love with an outsider. He defies everything I've been told to believe all my life.."

Namjoon looked at Yoongi but this time there was pure admiration in his eyes.

He wasn't even going to deny it anymore.
"I guess, I never thought like that. You are really not what I expected.."

Yoongi gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah, I get that a lot.."

They suddenly heard a gunshot and both of them went on alert mode.

"Okay, come on. That's our cue."

"How do you know its Jungkook?"

"Because it was a .45..and only Jungkook can use it according to its come on. We don't the have much time."

Yoongi slowly opened the door and peeked out and they heard a lot of footsteps through the door that they had just peeked in a few minutes ago.

Yoongi smirked and slowly walked out of the room, followed by Namjoon.

They slowly walked towards the door and peeked once more to confirm no one stayed behind.

When they saw no one, they entered inside the house and the security room was right in their view.

"Bingo..see, that's the security room..
Namjoon followed Yoongi's gaze and nodded.

"Okay, come on. We have to be fast."

They both hurried towards the the security room and started checking the screens one by one.

"How many cameras even are there? I hope we didn't get caught in any."

"No, we didn't. I checked. There were no cameras at the back gate or the courtyard. So we are safe. Atleast for now."

Yoongi nodded and went back to searching. Namjoon suddenly pointed to a screen.

"There! He's on the bed."

Yoongi quickly went by Namjoon's side and peeped in. He sighed when he saw Hoseok through the camera, sitting on the side of the bed, looking out the window.

"Thank god, we didn't find him in a basement or something. Or I swear I would killed Steve right now."

Namjoon chuckled and shook his head.

"It looks like he's on the second floor. The camera is showing a room number. 2102. So I am guessing 102 is the room number and 2 is the floor."

Yoongi looked over at Namjoon with a disgusted expression.

"You guess??"

Namjoon puffed at Yoongi's expression and looked back at the screen.

"I am sure. Come on. Let's get out of here. And call Jungkook and Tae."

Yoongi couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He immediately called Jungkook and told him that they had found him and they should hurry up and come there.

They walked out and looked around to see if anybody had returned. There was no one.

"Looks like your idea worked.."

"Ahh, it's nothing. Just basic mafia psychology.."

They walked up the stairs and soon reached the second floor.

"You don't think we'll run into Katie, will we?"

"No, she's not here. She's with Jimin, at the safe house. After your brother threatened to kidnap his child, he brought her with him. And besides she never really cared for her father's power and all. So maybe that's another reason why Steve might have kidnapped Hoseok. Just to spite me."

Namjoon nodded and they soon reached room 2102. Yoongi was about to open the door when he suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Wait, what happened? Why won't you go in?
Please don't tell me you are having a panic attack in a situation like this and in a place like this.."

Yoongi looked over at Namjoon and sighed.

"No, I am fine. Let's just get him and get out of here."

Ahhh, they finally found him...🥺😣😻

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