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When Hoseok and Yuna reached the attorney's office the next morning, he was already waiting for them.

Hoseok was the first one to introduce himself.

"Hi, I am Hoseok and this is Yuna, my friend. We are so sorry we are late. We had a late start and then got lost a bit. It seems I have forgotten the roads around here even though I grew up here.."

He gave a nervous chuckle and they both took their seats. The attorney was smiling at them.

"It's not an issue, Mr Jung. I haven't been waiting long. And plus what good of a fan would I be if I didn't let lose for you a bit?"

He laughed at his own joke and Hoseok instantly felt at ease.

He stretched his hand in feont of him and Hoseok instantly shook it.

"I am Park Byun. I've been your father's attorney for about 10 years now.."

"Wow, that's a long time. I didn't know he even had that kind of money...wait did you say Park?"

Mr. Park nodded and looked at Hoseok with a questioning look.

"Are you related to Park Jimin?"

Hoseok saw his smile faltering a bit but he instantly covered it up and gave a small nod.

"Yes. He's my nephew. His father was a distant cousin of mine.."

Hoseok nodded with a small chuckle.

"You are a long way from home given what Jimin and his father got into.."

"Yeah. I knew from the beginning I didn't want to be a part of all that. Instead, I chose to be on this side of the law.."

Hoseok nodded and looked directly at Mr. Park. He had a serious look on his face now.

"I'll be honest with you, Mr. Park. I have no idea why you insisted on meeting with me. I know my father had almost next to nothing on his name. I don't know what you've been managing for all these years. And frankly, I am not interested. If it's possible, you can sell it, dissolve it or whatever it is you do when you don't have any next of kin.."

Mr. Park was listening to Hoseok with patience and Yuna caught that something was not right, immediately.

"What is it, Mr. Park?"

Both of them turned their attention to Yuna, who had directly addressed Mr. Park.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you called us here, out of our busy schedule, insisted on us meeting you and refused to come to Seoul. There's something that you are not telling us. What is it?"

"You are smart, Ms.--?"

"Just Yuna.."

Mr. Park nodded and sighed.

"The reason I called you here, Mr. Jung is that your father has left behind more than just that crumbling house you three lived in.."

"What?! That's not possible. We could barely survive and after Mom died, it was hard for both of us.."

"That is because your father had been putting all his money into a trust fund. A fund named after you, Mr. Jung.."

"What?? A trust fund?! That's impossible.."

Mr. Park sighed and pushed a file towards them, signalling Hoseok to open it. He opened it and saw that there were records of money being deposited into a fund every month.

The amount was small but consistent.

Hoseok's eyes widened at the recent deposit. It was not less than a month ago.

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