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Hoseok ran as fast as he could and as far as he could. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

*Mafia families? So Yoongi was a gangster?*

How could he have missed that? The guns, the people, the bodyguards, his file, everything.

He hated the Mafia and everything related to it. There was a major reason behind it which Hoseok hadn't told anyone. Nobody except his father and him knew about it.

10 years ago, his mother was killed by one of the mafia gang leaders and he had seen it happen right in front of his eyes.

His family was not well off since the beginning. His father couldn't afford much of anything.

So his mother used to work part-time as a waitress.

One of the gang leaders, Seo-joon was a regular there.

Hoseok later realized why.

He always thought it odd for such a rich person to be a regular where his mother worked.

He had made unexpected advances towards his mother which she had definitely refused, time and again because she was married and she loved her husband.

But then, that one fateful night changed everything.

Hoseok still remembered it as if it had happened just yesterday.

He finally reached a park after running aimlessly and he flopped down on the grass, facing the sky. He kept staring at the sky and his mind went back to that night.

*It was a regular night just like everyday. His father was out working and his mother was getting ready for work.

A 10-yr-old Hoseok was playing outside, waiting for his mother to get ready so they could go together, to her work place. In a few minutes, his mother came out and called for him.

"Hoseokiee, where are you? We need to go or we'll be late for work."

Hoseok heard his mother calling for him and ran towards her voice.

"Coming, eomma.."

When he found her, they both walked towards the restaurant. Seo-joon was there again.

He had specifically requested for his mother to wait on him tonight. Hoseok knew she hated it but she did it for the money.

He was trying to flirt with her all night but that night maybe his mother had enough. She went over with his food to his table and slammed the tray in front of the man.

Her eyes were filled with rage and her body was shaking.

"I don't care who you are. I don't like you and I love my husband very much. So you leave me the fuck alone and stay away from my family."

His mother spat out and turned around to walk away when Seo-joon held her by her wrist and turned around and slapped her hard.

His mother fell on the ground because of the force. Hoseok was watching all this from behind the counter, too scared to do anything, tears filling his eyes up.

The next thing she knew, she was fired and sent back home the very next instance.

She took Hoseok by his hand and walked out towards their home.

But when they reached home, she realised they were not alone. She quickly told Hoseok to go and hide in the bedroom when two men just barged in and held his mother captive.

She struggled and fought back but it was of no use. They soon gagged her and tied her up.

Hoseok was watching this from the bedroom trying not to make a sound but their house was very small.

Soon one of the bodyguards noticed and dragged him out by his hair. He was screaming and crying but it was useless.

After a while he saw Seo-joon himself, walk inside the house with a chilly smirk on his face.

He crouched down in front of Hoseok's mother and grabbed her by her hair.

"You do not get to insult me and live peacefully, darling. I don't like to be denied." He smirked.

The next thing Hoseok knew was he heard a gun shot and his mother was laying on the floor in her own pool of blood. Hoseok stared at his mother's face and screamed.

The men left immediately leaving his mom's dead body and him, tied up.

A few hours later, Hoseok's father came home only to find his wife dead and his son, staring at his mother, too traumatized to do anything....*

Hoseok was brought back to reality by his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took out his phone to check who it was.

It showed 10 missed calls from his father and 3 from Yoongi and a dozen texts from Yoongi.

He sighed and laid back down on the grass. He started thinking again.

*I don't want to see Min Yoongi ever again but also I can't stay away from him.*

After a while, he got up and started walking outside the park when his phone rang again.

It was his father.
He picked up the call.

"What is it?"
"What is with that tone? Is that how you talk to your father? And where the hell are you? You haven't been home for 2 days."
"Do you really care? And I already told you I am taking care of a friend."
"What friend? You don't have any friends. Come back home this second or you won't like the consequences..."

His father went on rambling and Hoseok wasn't even listening.

He decided he had enough of this bullshit. He cut his father's words.

"You know what? I don't care. I am not coming back home. I can take care of myself and as for you, find someone else to support you financially. I am done."

With this, he cut the call and started walking towards the hospital.

He did it.

He had finally done it and told off his father.

It felt oddly satisfying.

He reached the hospital and asked for Min Yoongi for which he was told that the patient was discharged a few hours ago.

"Already? But he wasn't recovered fully yet."
"We know. But they said it was urgent."

*Urgent? What kind of gang mess was he into again?*

"Okay, thank you."

Hoseok was about to walk away when the receptionist called him again.
"What did you say your name was again?"

"Um Jung Hoseok."

"Oh you are Hoseok. Mr Min actually left something for you. He told me to give it to you in case you decide to come back and look for him."

"Did he now?"

*Cocky bastard*
Hoseok took the envelope which she was holding and mumbled a thank you.

Inside there was a note.

I know you are upset right now and you have every right to be. But please give me one chance to explain. If after that you don't want to be with me, you can walk away. If you do decide to give me a chance, come back to the club where we first met. I'll wait for you.


Hoseok sighed.

Should he give him another chance?

Hey guys,
Do you think Hoseok should give him another chance?
Tell me what you think in the comment section and don't forget the star button below..!

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